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Yale SOM MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / Off-Campus

Interview off campus with Yale SOM adcom. Conversational, though I was like the 6th interview of her day so she clearly had pre-set questions. As Yale states, she definitely had not seen anything more than a quick glance at my resume prior to the interview.

1. Why Yale SOM?
2. Time you weren’t going to meet a deadline? What lessons did you learn?
3. Example of leadership and working as a team. What lessons did you learn?
4. Why business school and why now?
5. Anything you want the Admission Committee to know that we didn’t cover?

Friendly interviewer – she was trying to sell me on Yale as much as I was trying to sell them on me. Bring some good questions to ask (applicable to any interview) and be sure you know what sets Yale apart (leadership for business and society)

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