My long term goal is to run my family business (smaller Private Equity Software Company) and be able to grow it to a larger firm. My undergrad studies were at a strong state school (UNC/UC/UVA/WM) and were in data analytics and operations. I currently work in B4 within financial services consulting, and I have a Masters in Accounting (GPA: 3.7+, no CPA). My time in finance consulting has been very technical and I have also extensively pursued and excelled in leadership positions (offerings development, have led multiple internal/external workstreams and teams, successful sales/pursuits). After graduation, I am hoping to pivot to PE for a few years, and then join my family business. I understand the pivot to PE can be difficult and this is probably my weakest part of my story, but due to its relevance to my family business would be a logical step. I understand my undergrad GPA is lower, but I am curious as to if working 10-20 weekly during those years is something worth bringing up. I am hoping to apply Round 1 to all marked schools. Thank you!
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