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NYU Stern MBA Recommendation Questions

The NYU Stern MBA recommendation questions for the 2024-2025 admissions season are below. One EQ (emotional intelligence) Endorsement is required, but applicants may submit a second if they choose. The required endorsement must come from a current supervisor, and if that is not possible, an explanation as to why must be provided in the application. Your EQ Endorsements should come from individuals who know you professionally and/or personally, who can objectively assess your potential for success in NYU Stern’s MBA program and in your future career, and who can act as a persuasive advocate of your EQ strengths.

2024-2025 NYU Stern MBA Recommendation Questions

Section 1: Applicant and Recommender Information 

Is the applicant currently employed by your organization? (Yes/No)

Are you an alumna/alumnus of the NYU Stern School of Business? (Yes/No)

Section 2: EQ Endorsement

Recommenders are given 10 characteristics to rate the applicant:

Analytical/Quantitative Ability
Oral Communication Skills
Written Communication Skills
Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Using a drop-down menu with the following choices, recommenders are asked to rate the applicant on each of those characteristics in relation to his or her peers:

  • Outstanding (Top 5%)
  • Excellent (Top 15%)
  • Good (Top 1/3)
  • Average (Middle 1/3)
  • Below Average (Bottom 1/3)
  • Unable to judge

Please mark your overall recommendation regarding this applicant’s admission to NYU Stern:

  • I strongly recommend this applicant for admission
  • I recommend this applicant for admission
  • I recommend this applicant for admission with some reservation
  • I do not recommend this applicant be admitted

nyu mba recommendation questions

Section 3: Written Endorsement

How does the applicant’s performance compare to that of other well-qualified individuals in similar roles (if applicable)? Please provide specific examples. (E.g. what are the applicant’s principal strengths?) (Up to 500 words)

IQ+EQ is a core value of NYU Stern, and we seek exceptional individuals who possess both intellectual and interpersonal strengths. Emotional intelligence (EQ) skills such as self-awareness, empathy, communication and self-management are at the core of our community of leaders.