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December 20, 2023 4:50pm ET
Applying: Berkeley / Haas, Columbia, Harvard Business School, Michigan / Ross, Stanford GSB, UVA / Darden, Yale SOM
Intake Year: 2024
Pre-MBA Career: Supply Chain / Consulting / Mobility
Post-MBA Target Industry: Consulting, Technology, Other Companies: Amazon , Tesla , Uber , Other
GRE: 311
GPA: 3.3
Years of Work Experience: 5.5
Location: Central Europe

Hi all! Love the show and website, you're doing great job for all of us!
I've been featured in the podcast some time ago, but had a chance to change my job, take the test and rethink my goals a bit, so now have more details, but even more questions and concerns.

Undergrad: Engineering / Economics / Transportation
- scholarship recipient for the best students during undergrad

Work experience/Goals:
- 2.5 years in forecasting for S&P100 company (2 promotions)
- 2 years at MBB - expert path - focus supply chain (1 promotion and some awards)
- since less than 1 year - senior manager at global tech/mobility company (direct reports, overseeing whole region)
- Got quite unique experience combining mobility with supply chain, warehousing, and a bit of autonomous vehicles. Goal is to stay within mobility sector (grocery delivery, dark stores, people mobility), spend few years in the US and then come back to Europe. Aiming for general management and then also VC after few years.

- swimmer - led teams (high school, university)
- amateur racing driver - leading small team
- organized and participated in international conferences (united nations, mobility, transportation)
- involved in startup aimed in fighting disinformation as research lead

- 29yo Male - Central Europe
- difficult family situation (had to abandon engineering master's degree abroad after 1 year because of this)

I'm quite stuck on bad GRE score. I was hoping for 325, but currently on ~311 (155V / 156Q). Took it already 3 times - managed to improve quant to 160 but then struggle with verbal and so on.. I'm aiming for scholarships, so I believe this score will be an obstacle. Choosing only top schools with global brand and tech/mobility footprint. Should I apply R2 current cycle or better totally focus on next year + improve GRE?

Would be great to read your comments with some opinions!

Thank you!