Fridays from the Frontline
Keep abreast of the latest happenings in the business school blogosphere! This weekly column summarizes recent posts from MBA student and applicant blogs.
Fridays from the Frontline: How Do You Turn a Business Idea into a Real Business?
While the setting of this Fridays from the Frontline is Oxford University’s Saïd Business School, the question it explores is universal: How do you turn a business idea into a real business? Oxford MBA student, Jiaxian Shi, shares his journey to answer this question–what inspired him to attend Oxford Saïd, bridging the gap between ideas and reality, and more. How Do You Turn a Business Idea into a Real Business? Jiaxian Shi Oxford MBA ’19-’20 By Jiaxian Shi, Oxford MBA ’19-’20 This question haunted me long before
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Fridays from the Frontline: NYU Stern’s Endless Frontier Labs of Endless Opportunity
When entrepreneurial business needs intersect with science and tech, NYU Stern MBA students can partake in the Endless Frontier Labs to strengthen their experience knowledge and abilities. Learn more about the course in this edition of Fridays from the Frontline, as Wilson Keng, an MBA graduate of NYU Stern, shares his student experience with the program's Endless Frontier Labs.
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Fridays from the Frontline: At Stanford GSB, Reimagining the News
In this edition of Fridays from the Frontline, Stanford GSB student, Judd Olanoff, introduces his entrepreneurial project, Storyist. Read on for how an MBA class inspired his idea, and how the Stanford GSB program helped him bring it to life. At Stanford GSB, Reimagining the News By Judd Olanoff, Stanford MBA ’20 Judd Olanoff, Stanford MBA ’20 “How many of you read The New York Times? The Wall Street Journal?” NYT editor and GSB lecturer Glenn Kramon begins his “Winning Writing” class by asking students what news they read. Fewer than half raise
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Fridays from the Frontline: Student Perspectives – The Consortium at UCLA Anderson
This edition of Fridays from the Frontline highlights a valuable organization for diversity in business school: The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management. Current MBA student at UCLA Anderson, Carmen Chávez, shares her story of the support and guidance she received through the Consortium. Student Perspectives: The Consortium at Anderson By Carmen Chávez, UCLA Anderson MBA ’21 A year ago, I started working with The Parker Career Management Center to prepare for The Consortium’s Orientation Program, or “OP” as it is commonly referred to, where I’d have the opportunity to
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Fridays from the Frontline: Stanford GSB Leading with Purpose in a Time of Crisis
In this edition of Fridays from the Frontline, two Stanford GSB MBA students discuss how the leading MBA program supported their efforts to launch Gift Card Bank. Khalil Fuller GSB '20 and Harry Mahadevan GSB '20 founded the nonprofit to help people in need due to the pandemic. Gift Card Bank supports financial & food security by facilitating the collecting and distributing of gift cards. Read on for their story, and how they drew on lessons from their MBA program to succeed.
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Fridays from the Frontline: Stanford GSB – Splitting the Check for Coronavirus Relief
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, two Stanford GSB students launched an economic relief campaign to support individuals and non-profit organizations impacted by the crisis. Erin Washington and Isabelle Fisher, both GSB Class of 2020, share their story of launching the #SplitTheCheck initiative and how you can join in giving. Splitting the Check for Coronavirus Relief Erin Washington, GSB ’20 (left) & Isabelle Fisher, GSB ’20 By Isabelle Fisher, MBA ‘20 and Erin Washington, MBA ‘20 The #SplitTheCheck campaign hopes to turn the current coronavirus crisis into the largest giving
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Fridays from the Frontline: Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone in Business School
Business schools often highlight “experiential learning” opportunities as a hallmark of their MBA programs. In this Fridays from the Frontline, Sami Abdisubhan, NYU Stern MBA ’20, walks us through what one looks like as a student. Read on for how the challenges of the experiential course transformed his skill set and perspective, to better prepare him for the professional world. Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone in Business School Sami Abdisubhan, NYU Stern MBA ’20 Sami Abdisubhan is an MBA2 who spent his summer internship at Anheuser-Busch. Sami serves as
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Fridays from the Frontline: Chai Night – Giving People the Right to Go Second
In this edition of Fridays from the Frontline, learn more about building and maintaining a sense of community in business school. Northwestern Kellogg MBA student, Ayyub Bokhari, shares how he was inspired to bring together fellow classmates and continue those connections during COVID-19. Chai Night: Giving People the Right to Go Second By Ayyub Bokhari (2Y 2020) Ayyub Bokhari, Kellogg MBA 2Y Class of 2020 Last year around mid-February, internship recruiting for the vast majority of our class was coming to an end. Not only did it mark a
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Fridays from the Frontline: Battling the Impact of COVID-19 the Duke Fuqua Way
In this edition of Fridays from the Frontline, we hear from a Duke Fuqua MBA student about how and why he started a fundraiser in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Read on for Jeff Gleischman’s story of community and compassion, which he first shared on Duke’s Daytime MBA student blog. Battling the Impact of COVID-19 the Fuqua Way Jeff Gleischman, Fuqua Daytime MBA ’21 By Jeff Gleischman, Fuqua Daytime MBA ’21 I was on my way to Portugal when COVID-19 concerns escalated into worldwide panic. My classmates and I had just
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Published: April 30, 2020
Fridays from the Frontline: Oxford Saïd GOTO – Will We Have the Courage?
In this edition of Fridays from the Frontline, we follow up with current Oxford MBA student, Saskia Rotshuizen, about how her Global Opportunities and Threats Oxford (GOTO) experience is informing her perspective of the COVID-19 crisis. The student community is also keen to learn through the online GOTO Climate Action Summit, featuring Al Gore and taking place for any interested parties on May 1st. Will We Have the Courage? Saskia Rotshuizen, Oxford MBA 2019-2020 A few weeks back, I wrote a blog post about the start of my
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Published: April 23, 2020
Fridays from the Frontline: HBS Students Launching Non-Profit in Response to COVID-19
A batch of Harvard Business School students have teamed up to help the vulnerable members of their community during the COVID-19 crisis. Together, they are launching LivelyHood, a "safe and simple platform that connects healthy, young volunteers with elderly and immunocompromised individuals who need help running errands." In this edition of Fridays from the Frontline, hear from Justin Crist Lee, HBS MBA '21, about the inspiration for LivelyHood, the impact they're having in Boston, and how they hope to scale up their reach.
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Published: April 16, 2020
Fridays from the Frontline: My First Weeks of Remote Learning with Dartmouth Tuck
Andrés Díaz de Valdés Grebe, a Dartmouth Tuck MBA student, shares what student life has morphed into during the COVID-19 pandemic in this edition of Fridays from the Frontline. My First Weeks of Remote Learning with Dartmouth Tuck By Andrés Díaz de Valdés Grebe T’21 Andrés Díaz de Valdés Grebe was born in Chile but spent most of his life in Argentina. Before Tuck, he worked in the consumer product industry, doing corporate finance. He came to Tuck with his wife Rocio where they lived in Sachem Village. Due to the
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Fridays from the Frontline: The Oxford MBA So Far
As the COVID-19 pandemic rolls across the globe, MBA students have had to adapt their educational experiences. In this edition of Fridays from the Frontline, we hear from an Oxford MBA student about the in-person highlights of her MBA from earlier this academic year, and how she and her classmates have kept their connection going. Oxford MBA Student, Cynthia Hass The Oxford MBA So Far By Cynthia Hass, MBA ’19-’20 With COVID19 in the air, we’ve moved to digital classes. That means our MBA is now completely online and we have
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Fridays from the Frontline: Northwestern Kellogg Students Create a COVID-19 Pledge
It’s a surreal time, when social distancing and self-quarantine have disrupted our lifestyles and relationships. Full-time MBA students, in particular, expected to finish their school years debating in classrooms, catching up in a favorite club meeting or planning an international trek together. But, as business leaders need to be, MBA students are flexible and adaptable. In this edition of Fridays from the Frontline, we hear from several Kellogg MBA students a little about how they’re responding, as a community, to the COVID-19 pandemic. Kellogg Students Create a COVID-19 Pledge By Mary
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Published: March 26, 2020
Fridays from the Frontline: Chicago Booth in the Time of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has upended many aspects of daily life, and we need to adapt to combat the disease and carry on. When it comes to business school, that means classes and in-person social gatherings have moved online. So, what does that look like? Chicago Booth MBA, Kate Nimmo, took to The Booth Experience blog to share how daily MBA life has changed, highlighting how Booth faculty have risen to the challenge and more. Kate Nimmo, Booth MBA ’20 Booth in the Time of COVID-19 By Kate Nimmo,
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Published: March 19, 2020
Fridays from the Frontline: What You Need to Know About Class Sections at Fuqua
As we all practice “social distancing,” it’s a good time for a reminder about the community and bonds you can form in business school. In this edition of Fridays from the Frontline, we learn about sections at Duke Fuqua from two MBA candidates for the Class of 2020. What You Need to Know About Class Sections at Fuqua by McCallen Moser and Charlotte Whittaker We know you’ve heard all about #teamfuqua, but have you heard about the “Unos” (aka Section 1) or the very proud “#fiveordie”
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Published: March 12, 2020
Fridays from the Frontline: From Boots to Suits – How Tuck Supports Veterans in Transition
Transitioning from military to civilian life presents a unique set of challenges. Add student life on top of that when pursuing an MBA. Fortunately, programs such as Dartmouth Tuck offer services to support veterans through and beyond the related challenges. In this edition of Fridays from the Frontline, we hear from Andrew Ho (Tuck MBA ’21) about veterans’ support and opportunities at Tuck. From Boots to Suits – How Tuck Supports Veterans in Transition By Andrew Ho T’21 Andrew Ho, Tuck MBA ’21 For most service members, the decision to separate
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Fridays from the Frontline: Cambridge Judge Japan Trek 2020 – My First Japan Visit
While moving to b-school campus for an MBA can provide a new cultural experience in and of itself, students can look forward to even more opportunities to experience new cities and scenes by studying abroad. In this edition of Fridays from the Frontline, a Cambridge Judge MBA student recounts her trek to Japan, including the cultural and business impact of her travels. Judge Japan Trek 2020 – My First Japan Visit By Renata Douek, Cambridge Judge MBA CJBS Japan Trek could not have been better. It was a
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Published: February 27, 2020
Fridays from the Frontline: Navigating a Career in Venture Capital as a Woman of Color
In this edition of Fridays from the Frontline, we catch up with a Northwestern Kellogg student charting an uncommon career path. Veronica Reaves, 1Y MBA ’20, took to the Inside Kellogg blog to discuss the challenges of venture capital—and the added ones of being a woman of color in the industry. Navigating a Career in Venture Capital as a Woman of Color by Veronica Reaves, 1Y MBA 2020 I began pursuing a career in venture capital after learning about the gross inequity surrounding who was giving — and
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Published: February 20, 2020
Fridays from the Frontline: Oxford Saïd GOTO – A Lesson in Sitting in the Discomfort
Oxford Saïd Business School’s Global Opportunities and Threats: Oxford (GOTO) program brings together small teams of MBA students to develop solutions to large-scale sustainable development problems. Current Oxford MBA student Saskia Rotshuizen took to the Oxford Saïd blog to share insights from this year’s GOTO program, which targeted the climate crisis. Oxford Saïd Global Opportunities and Threats: A Lesson in Sitting in the Discomfort Saskia Rotshuizen, Oxford MBA 2019-2020 What happens when you place a group of solution-oriented MBAs in front of a seemingly insurmountable challenge? Welcome to the GOTO experience.
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Published: February 13, 2020
Fridays from the Frontline: Student Perspective – Global Immersion@Anderson
The Center for Global Management at UCLA Anderson offers MBA students several opportunities to expand their cultural horizons as well as learn about distinct business environments firsthand. In particular, the Global Immersion Courses introduce MBA students to international companies and cultures, first on campus through three courses, then in-country for a week filled with guest speakers, panel discussions, company and startup visits and more. Current Anderson MBA student Kevin Ma took to the UCLA Anderson blog to share takeaways from his experience in India as part of the Global Immersion Program. Read
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