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March 3, 2017 7:11pm ET
Note about Other
Round: Round 2
Received via n/a

Is anyone else like, wow, I might actually not get into any school at all this year?! I have been conducting my life as if I'm going to be moving out of my apartment and leaving my job in the next few months, and hm, it actually might not happen. Waitlisted at more than one school, had one interview I was excited about go really badly, my first choice school not even interview me, etc etc. Of course I never assumed everything would go perfectly, but I did think, I will get into ONE place and that is all I need! On the bright side, the experience has been great in a lot of ways and it IS good to be put in my place from time to time! I'm not trying to whine, just, wow I might not get into anywhere and that will stink! Anyone else relate?!

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