MSU Broad MBA Recommendation Questions

The Michigan State University Broad College of Business MBA Program application for the 2024-2025 admissions season is open. You can find the MSU Broad MBA recommendation questions here.
MSU Broad requires one reference, but two are recommended. References should be able to attest to your ability to work within and lead teams as well as to contribute significantly to a professional business environment and provide specific information on your professional and intellectual skills and abilities. Employment-related references are strongly encouraged, and preferably supervisors. Admissions may call your references/recommenders to speak to them during the application cycle.
2024-2025 MSU Broad MBA Recommendation Questions
Section 1: Recommender Information
What is your relationship to the applicant?
How long have you known the applicant?
Please indicate your overall recommendation of the candidate for admission to a graduate program:
- Do not Recommend
- Recommend with Reservation
- Recommend
- Strongly Recommend
Section 2: Skills Assessment
The following questions ask about both the applicant’s softer-skills, and harder-skills. If you yourself feel more comfortable evaluating the applicant quantitatively, please use the following reference: Outstanding = top 5% Strong = top 10% Great = top 25% Average = middle 50%. Poor = bottom 25%
Please rate the applicant’s:
- Self-confidence
- Intellectual ability
- Ability to work with others
- Motivation
- Leadership potential
- Written expression
- Oral expression
- Applicant’s integrity
Please comment on the appraisal provided above and make any additional statements about the applicant that will help the Admissions Committee make its decision.