Published: August 9, 2017
Consortium for Graduate Study in Management Application Opens Next Week
The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management, the nation’s largest diversity network, will begin accepting applications for the 2017-2018 admissions season on Tuesday, August 15th. The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management application enables applicants to apply to up to six of 19 member schools at once—including the very top MBA programs in the country—saving both time and money. (The Consortium welcomed Rice University's Jones Graduate School of Business as its latest member school just last month.)
U.S. citizens or permanent residents of any race who demonstrate commitment to the Consortium’s mission of reducing under-representation of African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans in leading business schools and the ranks of management are eligible to apply.
As part of the Consortium application process, applicants will be asked to rank the schools to which they are applying. They must complete one required Consortium Membership essay about how they plan to support the Consortium's mission during their MBA program and beyond and a second Consortium Core essay about their short- and long-term goals and why an MBA makes sense for them now. In addition, applicants must answer additional school-specific essays for each of the Consortium members schools to which they want to apply. Applicants must also submit a range of supporting materials, including transcripts, GRE or GMAT test scores, a resume, and letters of recommendation.
Completed applications are forwarded directly to the schools indicated by each applicant, minus the Consortium Membership and Core essays, which are not shared with schools. The schools’ admissions committees then make admissions decisions based on academic ability, professional potential, and personal characteristics. Member schools will contact Consortium applicants directly to schedule interviews as necessary.
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