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April 21, 2024 4:23pm ET
Question about Columbia

Got into HBS, Wharton (some money), and Columbia (full ride). I live in NYC and don’t really want to move. My concern though is that almost all the Columbia admits seem to be people who arnt good enough to get Into the better programs and are going there because of that. Many of them are trying to do investment banking and mbb while those at the other schools have already been there done that. Would I be leaving a lot on the table taking the money and nyc? I assume employers look at Columbia grads as plan b if they can’t get the grads from HBS. Could I go to Columbia and put I got into HBS on my resume so employers know that I’m not a typical Columbia student or does it not matter? I’ve rulled Wharton out, not worth moving for them since HBS is obviously a tier above.
I also already make fantastic money so I don’t need to do an MBA but would love a break from the grind but want to make sure I’m not taking a step back. Thanks!

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