Published: January 24, 2012
GMAT Tips: Misdirection
Today’s GMAT tip comes to us from Veritas Prep. In today’s blog post, they explain how to recognize misdirection on the verbal section of the GMAT. Read on to see what they have to say!
A critical component of your GMAT studies is to notice misdirection wherever it’s employed. Consider, for example, this question:
Babies develop audial recognition abilities months before being born, lending credence to the notion that prenatal exposure to classical music can aid in intellectual development and apparently assisting newborns, who cannot yet visually recognize shapes and colors, in distinguishing their own mothers from those of others.
(A) apparently assisting newborns, who cannot yet visually recognize shapes and colors, in distinguishing their own mothers from those of others
(B) apparently assisting newborns that cannot yet visually recognize shapes and colors in distinguishing their own mothers
(C) assisting apparent newborns, who cannot yet visually recognize shapes and colors, in distinguishing their own mothers from those of others
(D) apparently assisting newborns, who could not yet visually recognize shapes and colors, in distinguishing their own mothers
(E) apparently assisting newborns, who cannot yet visually recognize shapes and colors, in distinguishing their own mothers from others.
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