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UC Berkeley’s Haas School Expands Evening & Weekend MBA Core Curriculum

300px-Haas_School_of_Business_central_courtyard1Beginning in fall 2014, the Haas School of Business at the University of California at Berkeley will feature a revised core curriculum in its evening and weekend MBA program, the school announced this week. The changes, which include extending the core from two semesters to three and adding three new required courses, are designed to help students better learn and absorb the coursework.

Jon Kaplan, executive director of the Haas evening and weekend MBA program, spearheaded the campaign to implement the curriculum update, and the Haas faculty approved the changes in May.

The new core, in addition to being a semester longer, will include three new courses: Data and Decisions (Statistics); Problem Framing, Problem Solving (PFPS) and a new Applied Innovation course. In the past, students could fulfill the statistics course as a prerequisite, but this resulted in a lack of consistent knowledge among students, which is why it has been added to the core. PFPS, though required, had not before been part of the official core.

The third course, Applied Innovation, will serve as the evening and weekend MBA program’s experiential learning requirement, which was established as part of the school’s Berkeley Innovative Leader Development (BILD) curriculum. As part of the course, students will work in teams to apply concepts learned in their Leadership Communications and PFPS classes to real-life projects.

Learn more about curriculum changes for Haas’s Evening and Weekend MBA program.