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UC Berkeley Haas School of Business Appoints First Assistant Dean of MBA Program, Admissions

stephanie_haasThe Haas School of Business at the University of California at Berkeley has appointed Stephanie Fujii as assistant dean of the full-time MBA program and admissions, a newly created position, the school announced last week. Fujii, a 2004 Haas alumna, has worked at Haas for the past nine years, most recently as executive director of full-time MBA admissions.

Fujii was appointed to this newly created role by Haas Dean Rich Lyons, effective August 1st. She now oversees both the full-time MBA admissions and the full-time MBA program offices.

She began her career at Haas as associate director of admissions, advancing to senior associate director and then executive director. Over the course of her almost decade with the school, she is credited with integrating Haas’s “Defining Principles” into the admissions process, moving the evaluation system online, consolidating application rounds from four to three and diversifying the applicant pool, including drawing significantly more applications from international candidates, women, underrepresented U.S. minorities and military candidates.

“Under Stephanie’s leadership, Haas has maintained one of the highest selectivity rates among top MBA programs while continuing to bring in a richly diverse class,” Jay Stowsky, senior assistant dean for instruction, said in a statement.

Before returning to Haas to work in admissions, Fujii was the executive director of Kokoro Assisted Living, a 54-unit assisted living community in San Francisco. She has remained on the Kokoro board ever since and has chaired its Nominating Committee since 2013.

As Fujii settles into her new role as assistant dean, Erin Kellerhals will become the executive director of full-time MBA admissions and Dan Sullivan will be the director of the full-time MBA program office.

Learn more about Fujii’s new role as assistant dean.