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NYU Stern School of Business Volatility Institute Opens Extension at NYU Shanghai

300px-NYU_SternA new extension of the Volatility Institute at New York University Stern School of Business is now open at NYU Shanghai, in the heart of Liujiazui, Shanghai’s financial center. Operating in close partnership with Stern’s Volatility Institute, the Volatility Institute at NYU Shanghai (VINS) is designed to provide opportunities for researchers focused on Chinese markets specifically, as well as financial markets around the world. Part of its aim is to facilitate collaboration and community-building between market participants and academic researchers within the region and beyond.

The NYU Stern Volatility Institute—established in 2009 by Stern Professor Robert Engle, a Nobel Laureate and volatility expert—was created to drive research on risks in global financial markets. Engle will also direct the VINS, with generous support from the Pudong Institute of Finance.

Together, the two research centers will support one another in seeking to contribute to international financial policy. They provide timely financial information and analysis to academics, practitioners, regulators and policy makers through innovative technology platforms and services. Among these are the Volatility Lab (V-Lab), which measures, models and forecasts financial volatility, correlations and risk for a wide spectrum of assets in real time, blending classic models such as Engle’s award-winning ARCH model with cutting-edge financial econometrics advances. Currently, the V-Lab runs 28,900 analyses on 6,053 datasets to produce 63,766 series each day.

Launch day for the VINS, which took place on November 27th, included panels comprised of China’s top market and academic participants discussing challenges and opportunities in the Chinese financial markets, in particular the need to strengthen risk monitoring, assessment and effective mitigation. Engle provided a keynote address on the potential contributions of the Volatility Institute, including innovative tools that add depth to the study of risk in financial institutions and assets.

Learn more about the new Volatility Institute at NYU Shanghai.