Whether you’re tackling another set of MBA applications or just starting your admissions journey, Clear Admit’s MBA LiveWire is a go-to destination for those navigating Round 2. Real MBA candidates populate MBA LiveWire with their admissions news—from interview invitations and waitlist notices, to acceptance decisions and dings—from the top business schools. All you have to do is tune in to take advantage of this useful admissions tool. When you register, you not only gain access to the full LiveWire database, but can also seek advice from the Clear Admit’s admissions experts and community members on your candidacy. Read on for more information about how Clear Admit’s MBA LiveWire will support you through Round 2!
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1. Breaking News
Simply visiting MBA LiveWire will quickly allow you to see what’s going on regarding admissions decisions from leading MBA Programs. For example, on the notification days for Chicago Booth and Yale School of Management, a steady stream of results from Round 1 candidates rolled through LiveWire. We should see a lot of similar activity next week, beginning with Harvard Business School releasing its Round 1 decisions on Tuesday, December 12th.

2. Historical Trends
Waiting for that admissions phone call or email update can be excruciating. With LiveWire, you can know what to expect from your target school by reviewing past rounds. In a matter of a few clicks, you can easily sort LiveWire by school and round, and see what happened in previous seasons. Sometimes programs change their process, but in most cases, a school’s decision release process is very similar to prior years.

3. Daily Affirmations
You can easily become a part of the LiveWire community by posting your own admissions status. It’s completely anonymous and would only help your fellow applicants. Admissions news is only as fresh as the entries posted each day, and as multiple people share their results, you can be a part of the first signal that a program has started releasing updated decisions.
4. Smoother Sailing
Sometimes, a school’s process seems unclear, but LiveWire has a feature to help you navigate the murky waters. You can use Livewire’s “Note” status to ask questions directly to the community. Has NYU Stern finished sending out its Interview Invites? Should I expect a phone call or email? Has anyone on the waitlist heard anything? Asking the community directly can provide some useful information.
5. Community in Comments
Finally, LiveWire hosts a thriving community by allowing comments. Other candidates can ask you questions based directly on your new status update or your direct question to the community. Comments can be as benign as a simple congratulations to an updated status, or can be part of a deeper discussion regarding the merits of a particular program.
Thanks to those who have already shared their results via Clear Admit’s LiveWire. Keep ‘em coming!