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You may begin your search for MBA programs online, but nothing beats meeting admissions representatives in person. Of course, busy professionals cannot always jet set to various b-school campuses, which is where MBA fairs come in. Adcom members travel around the world to meet MBA candidates in person and provide insights into student life, career support and more.

Special guest, Jonathan Khayat, joins us for an MBA podcast episode all about MBA fairs. Khayat currently serves as Managing Director and Head of Sales and Business Development for North America for Advent Group, an independent media agency specializing in higher education. Prior to joining Advent in 2015, Khayat spent five years as the director of MBA recruitment and admissions at McGill University, and had earned his MBA from ESG in Paris.
In this podcast episode, Khayat will discuss how to make the most of MBA fairs to learn more about your target programs and make an outstanding impression. Our friends from Access MBA, a member of Advent Group, already outlined 6 reasons to pursue an MBA, and Khayat will also shed some light on Access MBA fairs.
Tune into the episode below, then get ready to head to your local MBA fair!

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This episode was hosted by Graham Richmond and produced by Contributing Editor Jonathan Pfeffer. Thanks to all of you who’ve been joining us! One more time: Ranking us in iTunes can help others find us, too, and subscribing means you’ll never miss a podcast.