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Real Humans of Carnegie Mellon Tepper MBA Class of 2025

Image for Real Humans of Carnegie Mellon Tepper MBA Class of 2025

tepper mbaRuben Antonio Quesada, Carnegie Mellon Tepper MBA Class of 2025

Age: 32 
Hometown: San Jose, Costa Rica
Undergraduate Institution and Major: Auburn University, Bachelor of Architecture
Pre-MBA Work Experience (role, company, years): Associate/Project Architect, ZGF Architects, 9 years

Why did you make the decision to attend business school? Why now?
Over the past nine years, I’ve worked as a project architect and designer, with the last five years devoted to a singular project: Amazon HQ2 in Arlington VA. While this experience has been incredibly fulfilling, it also marked a turning point for me.

Through my experience in the field, I’ve gained insights into the critical need for carbon-storing materials and sustainable product alternatives. My aim is to collaborate directly with businesses, startups, or venture capital to pioneer solutions for embodied carbon in the construction industry. I’m convinced that creating cleaner products is essential to cut down on the massive amount of global carbon emissions that this industry contributes. Sadly, these emissions often fly under the radar due to the industry’s complexity and lack of consumer input.

As I wrapped up my latest project, I felt confident in my industry knowledge and saw the MBA program as a great vehicle for preparing me for my next steps. The urgency of addressing climate change is crystal clear, and CMU’s curriculum felt like the perfect fit for me. It’s a great opportunity to dive in and get to work right away; particularly for those interested in entrepreneurship.

Why did you choose CMU Tepper? What factors figured most prominently into your decision of where to attend?
With my background in architecture and passion for sustainability, I’m acutely aware of the responsibility we have to address climate change challenges. The call for sustainable business practices is getting louder, and I believe the business world must be part of the solution. This issue spans multiple industries and thrives on collaboration. That’s what excited me about applying to Tepper’s MBA program—it’s incredibly interdisciplinary. I’m thrilled about the opportunity to take classes beyond the traditional business curriculum and build relationships with experts in other fields across campus.

After visiting several schools during the application process, I was convinced Tepper was the right choice for me. Another big factor that drew me in was its vibrant entrepreneurial culture. I had heard about the Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship before, but after my visit, I knew I wanted to be a part of it. It acts as a hub for innovation and connections across the entire CMU campus and has many resources and facilities to support those who embark on the entrepreneurship path.

CMU Tepper brings together all the elements I was looking for: a dynamic entrepreneurial environment, a commitment to sustainability, and a program structure that aligns perfectly with my aspirations. 

What do you think is your most valuable or differentiating contribution to the Class of 2025?
I’m an extrovert and always approachable to strike a conversation. I believe in creating an open and friendly environment where classmates can easily connect and work together. In my view, the essence of the MBA experience lies in the genuine connections we form. I hope all my classmates know that I’m committed to being someone who’s not just easy to talk to but also enthusiastic about teaming up for projects or other exciting opportunities.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself that didn’t get included on your application:
I am not a big baseball fan, yet I have visited 10 out of the 30 MLB ballparks. 

Post-MBA career interests:
Entrepreneurship, Venture Capital, Sustainability

Advice for Current Prospective Applicants:
–What is one thing you would absolutely do again as part of your application process?
I highly encourage applicants to schedule calls and meet the admissions teams early in the process. Narrowing down the list and focusing on the schools you really want to attend, will be much more beneficial than casting a wide net. Make sure you build genuine relationships with admissions, they are an incredible resource!

–What is one thing you would change or do differently?carnegie mellon tepper student life
Initially, I stayed away from traveling to campuses since I was worried about breaking the bank. However, later I realized the value of visiting the schools. I highly recommend attending recruiting events on campus if you are able to. This gives you a much better understanding of the school and city’s culture.

–What is one part you would have skipped if you could—and what helped you get through it?
Not sure about skipping, but I would’ve not stressed out as much about the admission tests. A high GMAT/GRE/EA score is great, but I firmly believe a well-rounded application is much more valuable. Understanding and articulating your purpose and goals is much more important than only focusing on attaining a high GMAT score.

What is your initial impression of the CMU Tepper students/culture/community?
Incredibly down to earth and diverse. Even from my interactions during the admission process, I felt that students legitimately wanted to get to know me as a person. We have a diverse class from all over the world, and I am excited to be part of a tight-knit class who is genuine and rooting for one another. MBA applicants come from many different industries and have diverse interests, so the class does not tend to be competitive, but much rather collaborative as we all have our own ambitions.

What is one thing you have learned about CMU Tepper that has surprised you?
During Basecamp, we learned more about the Accelerate Leadership Center. We started with a comprehensive self-assessment, and I was excited to learn that throughout the MBA program, I’ll have the opportunity to address both my strengths and areas for growth. The variety of workshops, sessions, and personalized coaching available to all MBA students is truly remarkable. It’s an encouraging resource that I’m looking forward to leveraging on my journey here.

What is one thing you are most anxious about in your first year?
One aspect that gives me a bit of anxiety is the summer internship recruitment process. While there are established routes like consulting, investment banking, or operations, the pathways for sustainability roles or climate tech startups aren’t as well-defined. I understand that I’ll need to proactively build my network and take the initiative to explore these avenues on my own. It’s this sense of uncertainty that can create a touch of anxiety for me. However, I’m also excited about the opportunity to carve out my own unique path.

What is one thing you are most excited about in your first year?
I am very excited to learn more about all the programs the Swartz Center has to offer, like the Swartz Fellowship, McGinnis Venture Competition, and Project Olympus. I believe the entrepreneurship ecosystem in the area is strong and look forward to learning from other entrepreneurs and students. Even before starting the program, I had the chance to speak with my classmates and their potential business ideas. This has been very exciting and encouraging; knowing I am not the only one with these ambitions.

Christina Griffith
Christina Griffith is a writer and editor based in Philadelphia. She specializes in covering education, science, and history, and has experience in research and interviews, magazine content, and web content writing.