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Real Humans of the ESCP Business School MBA Class of 2024

Image for Real Humans of the ESCP Business School MBA Class of 2024

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Syrine Hamza, ESCP Business School MBA Class of 2024

Age: 27 years old
Hometown: Berlin, Germany (This is where I currently live, but I consider home to be Cairo and Paris)
Undergraduate Institution and Major: Bachelor of Science in Business Informatics at the German University in Cairo (GUC).
Pre-MBA Work Experience (role, company, years): 1 year as a part-time web developer at Decathlon Egypt; 5 years at Microsoft: 1.5 year in Cairo, Egypt as a Premier Field Engineer, 2.5 years in Paris, France as a Premier Field Engineer, 1 year in Paris, France as a Customer Success Manager
ESCP Campuses: Paris, Berlin

Why did you make the decision to attend business school? Why now?
The decision to attend business school was driven by a few key objectives. First, I wanted to expand my professional network. Business school is a melting pot of diverse, ambitious professionals, and engaging with them is an invaluable opportunity for growth and collaboration.

Additionally, I was keen on honing my leadership skills. The dynamic environment of a business school, with its various team projects and leadership roles, offers a practical platform to refine these skills. Already having a technical background, I also aimed to deepen my understanding of strategic business concepts. Business school provides a comprehensive curriculum that covers a wide range of topics essential for navigating today’s complex business landscape.

As for the timing, I felt that this was the right moment in my career to enhance my qualifications and prepare myself for higher-level responsibilities. The skills and experiences gained from a business school are crucial for taking on more significant roles in my professional journey. This decision aligns with my long-term career aspirations and is a strategic step towards achieving my goals.

Why did you choose ESCP Business School? What factors figured most prominently into your decision of where to attend?
I wanted to develop skills including leadership, consulting, and critical thinking, but also to expand my network and to have an international career. I concluded that the ESCP MBA in International Management will meet all these objectives by helping me have a bigger impact as a leader through various ways, such as its leadership module, and develop my consulting skills through the company consultancy projects (CCP) during the year and the end of year specialization. ESCP is known for its high standards and broad network, which I am benefiting from. Moreover, I chose a business school for its recognition and for the other topics of my interests it proposes, including sustainability, innovation, and language opportunities. To finish with, as I am looking forward to continuing having an International career, the various locations proposed by the school (Paris, Berlin and Madrid in my case), and the language learning opportunities (Spanish and German in my case) were also key factors in choosing the ESCP.

What do you think is your most valuable or differentiating contribution to the Class of 2024?
I believe my most significant contribution is my capacity to adapt to diverse situations, a skill honed through my unique bicultural background as both French and Egyptian. This dual heritage has equipped me with a deep understanding of different cultural perspectives and norms, enabling me to effortlessly navigate and bridge varied social and professional environments. My ability to adapt is not just limited to cultural differences; it also extends to adjusting quickly to new challenges, team dynamics, and work settings. This versatility makes me particularly well-suited for roles that require cross-cultural communication, problem-solving in varied contexts, and collaboration with diverse teams. 

Tell us a fun fact about yourself that didn’t get included on your application:
In my application, I didn’t get a chance to share one of my greatest passions – I absolutely love diving! There’s something magical about the underwater world that captivates me completely. If it were possible, I’d choose to live beneath the waves! Diving allows me to explore an entirely different realm, teeming with vibrant marine life and serene landscapes that are starkly different from our terrestrial surroundings. This hobby has not only been a source of immense joy and adventure but has also instilled in me a deep appreciation for marine ecosystems and a strong commitment to their conservation. It’s a unique interest that reflects my love for exploration, nature, and the thrill of discovering the unknown. This passion for diving is more than just a hobby; it’s a reflection of my adventurous spirit and my constant pursuit of experiences that challenge and inspire me.

Post-MBA career interests:
I aspire to join a multinational corporation for its flexibility in role and location changes, yet I’m open to smaller companies. I’m enthusiastic about leading roles in technology and innovation, ideally with an aspect of sustainability. My goal is to manage technical teams, directing projects and/or departments with an emphasis on innovation and efficient tech resource management. As a stepping stone, I plan to work as a consultant in areas like customer experience or digital transformation, acquiring valuable insights into modern business practices for future leadership roles.

Advice for Current Prospective Applicants:
–What is one thing you would absolutely do again as part of your application process?
One thing I would absolutely do again is to highlight all the extracurricular projects and activities I was part of, including the ones during my professional experience. It was very important to show my curiosity for various topics and interests that I have outside my educational and professional paths, and to show (when applicable) how I included them in my professional career. For example, having an impact with an NGO with the support of my company.

–What is one thing you would change or do differently?
Due to time constraints, I did not have the time to discuss with many alumni, and this is definitely something I would do more if I had the opportunity. It allows for discussions where one can ask specific questions and have the direct experience of students.

–What is one part you would have skipped if you could—and what helped you get through it?
Obtaining several recommendation letters for scholarship applications. While I understand its necessity, the tight timeframe due to personal constraints made it particularly strenuous. However, I managed to navigate this challenge with assistance from the application coordinator, who was incredibly supportive. Moreover, by clearly communicating the intent and key points to emphasize, I was able to gather effective recommendation letters that were well-received by the school.

What is your initial impression of the ESCP students/culture/community?
ESCP stands out for its openness and diversity, providing a wide array of extracurricular activities that cater to both career development and personal interests. The school is notably inclusive, embracing a rich tapestry of different cultures and backgrounds.

What is one thing you have learned about ESCP that has surprised you?
One aspect of ESCP that has genuinely surprised me is the incredibly helpful nature of everyone involved. The willingness of students, faculty, and staff to assist and support each other creates a very collaborative and nurturing environment, which is not always a given in academic settings. This culture of helpfulness enhances the learning experience and fosters a strong sense of community within the school.

What is one thing you are most anxious about in your first year?
An essential goal for me is to secure a career path that aligns with my interests while avoiding the oversight of potential opportunities simply due to lack of awareness. To achieve this, I make an effort to explore various topics and engage in different groups, broadening my knowledge base. Simultaneously, I’m proactively working towards securing employment after my MBA by starting the job search process well in advance.

What is one thing you are most excited about in your first year?
What excites me most is meeting people from diverse backgrounds and cultures and having the chance to collaborate with them at ESCP. This insightful opportunity, unique to few schools, is something I particularly appreciate about ESCP. It’s not just about expanding my network; it’s also about the learning experiences gained through interacting with people, engaging in various courses, and participating in projects – experiences that are greatly enriched by the diversity present at ESCP.

Christina Griffith
Christina Griffith is a writer and editor based in Philadelphia. She specializes in covering education, science, and history, and has experience in research and interviews, magazine content, and web content writing.