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SMU Cox MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom

Image for SMU Cox MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom

1. Introduce yourself.
2. Why SMU and why MBA?
3. Post graduation plans?
4. Back-up post graduation plans?
5. What’s one of the most difficult things about your job?
6. How you’ve dealt with feedback from a senior you didn’t agree with?
7. A time a project didn’t go to plan and you failed.
8. How you would manage your time [at school]?
9. Day in the life of you at work (tasks etc).
10. How would you contribute to the Cox community?
11. How you would work in a team with someone who wasn’t pulling their weight?
12. What KPIs do you use to measure your success at work (qualitative or quantitative)?
13. What’s fun about you?
14. Where would you want to go during the international class trip and why?
15. What has been your greatest achievement in your career / what are you most proud of?

Felt like a speed through of questions, not very personal.

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