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Clear Admit’s Stacey Oyler Featured in Article on Business School Admissions Staffers Turned Admissions Consultants

Stacey Oyler, a senior admissions counselor here at Clear Admit who came to us from the admissions office at Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business, was recently featured prominently in a Poets&Quants article about that very topic – namely, former admissions committee members at top MBA programs who become admissions consultants to prospective MBA applicants. The article ran today on the P&Q website, as well as on the CNN Money and Fortune websites.

As the article indicates, Oyler worked on the Tuck admissions committee for two years, from October 2003 to July 2005, participating in every admissions decision for two full classes as part of a process that involved reviewing applications in a locked room with seven colleagues until they reached unanimous decisions of whether to admit, deny or waitlist.

“You got a little crazy locked in that room,” Oyler laughingly told P&Q. “I remember we had a major debate over whether a military candidate actually flew a plane or was merely on the plane. You couldn’t tell for sure from his application.” In the end, they picked up the phone and called the applicant to find out.

After her tenure at Tuck, Oyler spent another three years as an MBA recruiter for McKinsey & Co. before joining Clear Admit. Those combined experiences make her a valuable asset to our admissions consultant team, both for applicants who seek her first-hand knowledge of Tuck’s MBA program and admissions process as well as for those who simply want help from a passionate and talented professional in the field.

“I know people think I went to the dark side when I became a consultant,” Oyler told P&Q, “but I don’t do this for the money. I like working with people. I’m just a coach, but I love what I do. It’s fun, and I’m not cheating.”

Indeed, as the article goes on to point out, Oyler is one of dozens of former admissions officials who have transitioned to the role of consultant. In addition to Oyler, with her Tuck background, Clear Admit’s team also includes consultants with experience working in the admissions offices of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, among others.

While the piece rightly suggests that an admissions stint isn’t a requirement for being a top-notch admissions consultant, here at Clear Admit we are pleased that Oyler’s experience complements that of our other team members and vice versa.

Read the complete P&Q article, “MBA Admissions’ Revolving Door.”