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MIT Sloan Launches New Healthcare Certificate Program

300px-MITSloanE62FrontWith dissension over the Affordable Care Act fueling a government shutdown, MIT Sloan School of Management has chosen an apropos time to launch a new certificate program addressing U.S. healthcare challenges. Of course, the concerns that led to the program’s creation – including the fact that the nation’s healthcare spending is escalating at a rate far exceeding inflation even as access to care lags behind most other developed nations – aren’t new.

The Healthcare Certificate program, launched October 1st, will help formalize a range of activities around healthcare and health management already taking place at the school. Students pursuing the certificate will take core courses on healthcare delivery in the United States, the economics of healthcare and general medical science. After completing these required courses, they can select from several elective courses. Participating students will also all be required to enroll in an action learning lab, such as the school’s new Healthcare Lab (H-Lab), an intensive, team-based project course that includes on-site work at a U.S. health organization.

“The school is making a significant educational and research contribution to worldwide health and healthcare by introducing this Healthcare Certificate,” MIT Sloan Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate and Master’s Programs Jake Cohen said in a statement. “This program will join our already successful Sustainability Certificate, demonstrating the school’s commitment to addressing the management challenges of these complex societal issues,” he added.

The new program will be open to the entire MIT student population and is designed to help prepare students for a range of career paths within the health industry, including operations management, healthcare IT, healthcare delivery management, senior management positions in the health industry and hospitals, developing health care startups, and positions in global health organizations.

MIT Sloan counts healthcare and health management among its strategic initiatives, and there are currently more than 20 Sloan faculty with strong interest and research focus on healthcare.

Learn more about MIT Sloan’s new Healthcare Certificate program.