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Tuck School of Business Students Team Up to Help Local Businesses

A student-run group at Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business is putting what it’s learning in the classroom straight to work by providing volunteer consulting services to local businesses and nonprofit initiatives.

Student-run Tuck Student Consulting Services (TSCS) brings current MBA students together with local organizations in need for volunteer consulting projects. So far this year, teams of T’15 MBAs have taken part in 66 projects for 15 organizations, according to a recent article on the Tuck MBA Admissions Blog.

Through these pairing with local businesses and nonprofits, TSCS gives students real-world consulting experience as well as a chance to volunteer in the community. Participating student teams work with 10 to 20 organizations each year on key business projects.

Consulting projects range from operations to marketing to strategy for clients across healthcare, education, manufacturing, energy, transportation and other industries. Students do not receive compensation or academic credit – just the invaluable real world experience that comes with the job. Companies receive TSCS services 100 percent pro bono, making the organization and its activities a wonderful means for the school to serve the surrounding community.

Tuck Student Consulting Services is affiliated with the Center for Business & Society.

Learn more about Tuck Student Consulting Services.

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