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Fridays from the Frontline

Hello and welcome to Fridays from the Frontline, Clear Admit’s weekly roundup of the b-school blogosphere. Today we welcome a new blogger, and feature a guest post from the Wharton School of Business.  Most of our stalwart applicants are waiting for news of admissions or scholarships before making a final decision, while current students are so busily immersed in the current semester, they have had little time for blogging this week.

Sarah’sMBAJourney used this quiet period to review an online GMAT review course and expand on the application process with an interview for accepted.comMBAMyWay is whiling away the waiting hours  by taking solace in the knowledge that final decisions are not that far off, whether for Johnson, UCLA, Kellogg, Yale or Ross.  MBAreapplicant took time for a belated round one update with dings from Tuck and Kellogg.

In happier news, Timbob shared his experience of crossing the Atlantic to visit HBS for Admitted Students’ Weekend. This week, we also discovered a blogger, Amar, who is determined to embark on the MBA journey, despite the challenge of a low GMAT score.

Dorothy Tong, Fuqua ’15shared 6 fun facts about herself, while reminiscing about the Fuqua application process. And while not one of the featured student bloggers, guest blogger on the Wharton MBA Diaries Eugena Brown, Wharton ’15 has a fascinating post about her Team Based Discussion while going through the admissions process for Wharton.

And that’s all the news for this week’s edition of Fridays From The Frontline. As winter finally seems to be melting away on the east coast of the United States, we  also hope that applicants continue to update us with information about decisions and interview invites, and that current students also update their blogs with the latest from their campus and classroom lives.

Final-Badge_180w_jpg1 Want to join the Fridays From the Frontline community and see your blog featured  regularly in this column? Just follow this link and add the FFF badge to your blog and then   email us at [email protected] with your URL so we can make sure to add you to our      weekly roundups.