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MIT Sloan Admissions to Host Women’s Week, August 3rd – 6th

Image for MIT Sloan Admissions to Host Women’s Week, August 3rd – 6th

The MIT Sloan School of Management admissions team has planned a week of events in early August designed to showcase the diverse paths and accomplishments of its women students and graduates to prospective female applicants. The week, which will take place from August 3rd through 6th, will include a Google Hangout open to prospective applicants anywhere in the world, as well as alumnae panels in five U.S. cities.

“Our female students bring unique backgrounds, perspectives and beliefs to MIT Sloan, building a diverse campus community filled with opportunity,” reads an announcement about the events on the school’s website. “Their collective experiences create a rich educational experience and fuel the experimentation and transformation that develop principled, innovative leaders who improve the world.”

MIT Sloan admissionsThe six events scheduled for early August will feature MIT Sloan students and alumnae together with MIT Sloan admissions representatives discussing the application process, as well as opportunities for women at the school. A student-led group, MIT Sloan Women in Management (SWIM), is particularly active on campus, working to increase opportunities for women. One of its initiatives is a mentorship program matching incoming students with second-year students. SWIM also spearheaded a Breaking the Mold conference last year geared toward addressing unconscious bias.

MIT Sloan is also a Forté Foundation sponsor, offering Forté Fellowships each year to outstanding female candidates who demonstrate leadership in their community, at school or at work. All female applicants to MIT Sloan are automatically considered for these fellowships. The MIT Sloan admissions team will also participate in Forté Forums, free events for women considering pursuing an MBA, this summer. Finally, they will partner with the Forté Foundation to serve as Office Hour Experts for the MBALaunch program, a coaching program designed for pre-MBA women as they navigate the admissions process.

More information on these and other opportunities for women at MIT Sloan will be available as part of the MIT Sloan Women’s Week events in early August. The first, a Google Hangout, takes place on Monday, August 3rd. Five alumnae panels follow, the first two in Washington, DC and Chicago on Monday, August 3rd, the third in New York City on Tuesday, August 4th, and the last two in San Francisco and Cambridge, Massachusetts on Thursday, August 6th.

For details on the individual events and to register, click on the links above.

Learn more about the MIT Sloan Women’s Week next month or download the Women of MIT Sloan Brochure.