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Columbia MBA Interview Questions: Early Decision / Alumni / Off-campus

Image for Columbia MBA Interview Questions: Early Decision / Alumni / Off-campus

The following Columbia MBA interview questions report was submitted to Clear Admit by an Early Decision applicant.

I was invited to interview with a CBS alumni in my city. After a few email exchanges, we picked a date and place. We met at a coffee shop after work. The alumni dressed in casual clothes and I went with business formal attire.

• Your background, walk me through your résumé.
• Your post MBA career goal. Why?
• Why this goal? Have you been following this industry? How do you envision the technology to be like?
• Tell me more about your current job. What do you do on a daily basis? What do you like about it?
• Why MBA? Why CBS?
• What courses are you interested in?
• Aside from your career interest, what other activities do you plan on getting involved in on campus?
• Do you want to work in North America post-MBA or relocate immediately? Where would you find your summer internship?
• Tell me a time you failed.
• Q&A: I asked about why she chose CBS, what her path has been like pre- and post-MBA.

The tone of the interview was conversational. The alumni briefed me at the start on what the interview was going to be like and how long it would last. She delved into my post-MBA career goal because her work is somewhat related to this niche area. The alumni was open to sharing her experience at CBS (she did some really wonderful things!) and gave me advice on having clear goals in mind going into business school and it would be what one makes of it.

Having a face-to-face chat with an alumni definitely confirmed my impression on the diverse and vibrant community at CBS. Fingers crossed!

Preparing for an upcoming interview at Columbia? Click here to get the Clear Admit Columbia Business School Interview Guide.

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