Christopher Ramos, Tuck MBA Class of 2019

Age: 27
Hometown: Woodbridge, VA
Undergraduate Institution and Major: Virginia Tech, business management (concentration in entrepreneurship, innovation, and technology)
Pre-MBA Work Experience (years, industry): 6 years, government
Why business school? Why now? My ultimate career objective is to return to public service as a policymaker. After six years in public service, I noticed that successful policymakers often had two common denominators: 1) they held a wide variety of experiences across several different industries/sectors and 2) they used and relied on strong networks.
I had developed a solid foundational knowledge of how government works on a granular level, but I felt like I needed to transition into the private sector and garner new professional experiences, while also expanding my network. This way I would have more skills to bring to the table should I ever be called on to serve. I think business school is the perfect transition because it enhances analytical and quantitative skills needed to thrive in the private sector, and it gives me another network to rely on throughout my career.
Why Tuck? What factors figured most prominently into your decision of where to attend? I absolutely loved my time at Virginia Tech and I wanted to go to a premier business school that reflected similar aspects of my alma mater. Tuck was unequivocally the perfect fit. Both Tuck and Virginia Tech have a strong sense of community, a loyal alumni network that is very engaged with their school, and a beautiful campus/location where I could get away from the hustle and bustle.
I distinctly remember telling my fiancée during our first visit that Tuck reminded me of all the things that I love about Tech. Even the nickname “Tuckies” is similar to “Hokies.” So far, Tuck has far surpassed my expectations. The community here is truly one of a kind and I could not have asked for a more responsive alumni network. Every Tuckie I’ve engaged with has always been willing to take my call, answer my questions, or lend a helping hand. Lastly, Tuck’s surroundings are positively breathtaking. Being able to go on hikes or walks around campus has helped me to take breaks to reflect and recharge.
What do you think is your most valuable or differentiating contribution to the Class of 2019? I think my most valuable contributions to the Class of 2019 are the different experiences I’ve had working within government, as well as working and living overseas. I think sharing that perspective with my classmates helps all of us develop global mindsets.
Fun fact that didn’t get included on your application? I’ve been told I have a very loud finger snap, which some of my friends refer to as a THUNDER snap.
Post-MBA career interests? Private wealth management, general management, and consulting.
Advice to current prospective applicants:
–One thing you would absolutely do again as part of your application process? I would absolutely apply through the Consortium Graduate School of Management again. The Consortium’s common application is a fantastic way to apply to a bunch of great MBA schools without breaking the bank. Also, becoming a Consortium fellow affords students immense opportunities. Applying via the Consortium was hands down the best thing I did during my application process.
–One thing you would change or do differently? I would have reached out much earlier to the current students or alumni of my top business schools. I was happy to have gotten all the perspectives that I did, but I wish I was more deliberate in that process.
–Part you would have skipped if you could—and what helped you get through it? The GMAT/GRE. Working full-time while trying to study for these standardized tests was the bane of my existence. Thank goodness, my fiancée helped to keep me on track. She supported and encouraged me throughout the process.
Greatest highlight so far at Tuck? Tuck’s supportive community has been a highlight of my experience thus far. My extended family is in Puerto Rico and are still dealing with the after effects of Hurricanes Irma and Maria. Dealing with the stresses of making sure my family was all right while starting the first weeks of business school was tough. But seeing just how much Tuck had my back during this difficult time was incredibly meaningful. I had classmates, professors, and administrators all reaching out to see how my family and I were doing, and more importantly, how they could help. I will never forget the level of empathy and genuine concern expressed to me by the Tuck community.
One thing about Tuck that you didn’t expect before arriving? I did not expect how fast-paced Tuck would be. Classes, study group sessions, recruiting for jobs, and then life itself. All of it at once can be overwhelming and can happen in a hurry. Fall A here is one big lesson in time management. Thankfully, Tuck has a wonderful support structure here to help us get through.
Thing you are most anxious about in your first year? Trying not to be so preoccupied with classes and the recruiting process that I lose opportunities to really get to know all the amazing people I’m surrounded by every day.
Thing you are most excited about in your first year? I’m most excited about Tripod Hockey. It’s been a lot of fun getting out on the ice, learning how to skate, and bonding with my teammates/classmates. Who knew how cathartic chasing a rubber puck would be after an intense day of classes and recruiting? Hopefully I get my first goal this year too