Aimee Dennett, Tuck MBA Class of 2019

Age: 26
Hometown: Highlands Ranch, CO
Undergraduate Institution and Major: Williams College, political science
Pre-MBA Work Experience: 4 years, management consulting
Why business school? Why now? At every stage of my career I’ve maintained a passion for the entertainment industry. During college I sought out entertainment and media focused internships, first as a summer production assistant for MSNBC’s Morning Joe, then as an assistant editor for an independent feature film.
After college, I wanted to explore other industries, knowing that entertainment would still be waiting. Consulting seemed like the perfect way to gain exposure to many different industries. I was lucky to spend the next four years widening my skillset, while working with a broad set of industries.
What I didn’t anticipate was that consulting taught me that I like to be the person who “gets stuff done.” Paired with my still-persistent passion for entertainment, I decided that business school would provide me opportunities to rejoin the industry in a role that I would find challenging and rewarding.
Why Tuck? What factors figured most prominently into your decision of where to attend? At first, I thought I needed to attend a school geographically based near entertainment hubs (i.e., LA or NYC). However, I still applied to Tuck knowing from my time at Williams College that being part of a small, tight-knit community is invaluable.
After my application was accepted by Tuck, I was ecstatic and anxious. I knew that Hanover was the perfect place to spend the next two years, but was worried I wouldn’t be able to pursue my dream effectively.
Thankfully, I spoke with several alumni and current students and learned about Tuck’s “small-but-mighty” entertainment network. This extremely dedicated alumni base, paired with a comprehensive general management program were two of the biggest factors that figured into my decision.
(As a former DIII ice hockey player, the fact that many Tuck students play ice hockey didn’t hurt either.)
What do you think is your most valuable or differentiating contribution to the Class of 2019? It’s a rare opportunity to spend two years away from a conventional workforce routine and I feel my time will have been wasted if I did not stay mindful, reflect, and improve myself professionally and personally. For this reason, two of my main goals are to seek experiences I would normally shy away from and to work to connect with all types of people.
I’m happy to report that in my two short months at Tuck I’ve performed in a celebratory Diwali skit, competed in a Settlers of Catan tournament, and impulsively traveled to Portugal with 12 other classmates.
Fun fact that didn’t get included on your application? In third grade, I won an ice cream flavor-naming contest at Cold Stone Creamery and met a few of my heroes on the Colorado Avalanche.
Post-MBA career interests? Entertainment and digital media

Advice to current prospective applicants:
–One thing you would absolutely do again as part of your application process? Stay faithful to who you are during the interview. One of the reasons I fell in love with Tuck was because I never felt I had to act in an exaggerated or artificial role – that especially rang true during my interview.
My interview felt more like a conversation with an old friend. We talked about everything from our career goals to the TV show South Park, and I will never forget how energized I felt walking back to the NYC bus. Tuck doesn’t want “perfect” people – they seek out unique people who want to better themselves and the things they care about.
–One thing you would change or do differently? I would stress less about how my application is going to be perceived. If you feel that you’ve accurately represented your personality, goals, and capabilities, there is little to be gained in worrying about why you were granted an interview with one school, waitlisted with another, and accepted into another.
–Part you would have skipped if you could—and what helped you get through it? The GMAT. Studying for the GMAT is truly a marathon. Discipline, coffee, online courses, and 30 Rock helped me get through it.
Greatest highlight so far at Tuck? A fellow female ice hockey player (who happens to be a three-time Olympic gold medalist) and I decided that one Thursday after class that we wanted to spend our evening supporting our classmates who were learning how to play hockey at the Women’s tripod hockey games.
We mentioned our evening plans to a few other classmates and within two hours we had accidentally organized a full 25-person cheering section, complete with improvised chants and warm-up music. Tuckies take supporting each other (on and off the ice) very seriously.
One thing about Tuck that you didn’t expect before arriving? The genuine passion the alumni have for helping other Tuckies. One Friday I found out there was a Tuck reunion on campus for the weekend. I emailed three alumni working in entertainment asking if they had a few minutes to spare for coffee while here. Within the hour, I had three responses and the next day ended up closing down the local coffee shop.
Thing you are most anxious about in your first year? Beyond the typical anxieties of a first year MBA student (balancing rigorous academics with finding your dream job is no small task), I’m most apprehensive about missing an important recruiting, networking, academic, social, or club event. Most days I don’t know which event will impact me the most, which can be exciting and stressful. However, it’s necessary to make trade-offs and the first year is a good time to experiment and understand what is the best use of your time.
Thing you are most excited about in your first year? I’m most excited to continue growing relationships with my classmates. Beyond that, I’m looking forward to travelling internationally, crushing ice hockey opponents, and working to help solve real challenges encountered by a video game development company through Tuck’s First-Year Project.