As Harvard Business School Dean Nitin Nohria said, “The world needs more leaders able to bridge science and business.” The new joint MS/MBA Biotech: Life Sciences Program at HBS and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences aims to develop such leaders. During the program, students will learn to build business models to support scientific discoveries and development, to lead science-based organizations in research culture and organizational behavior, to make investment decisions to improve access to therapeutic services, and much more.
So, what inspired Harvard to launch this—only its second—MS/MBA joint degree? Who should apply for this program instead of solely the MBA? What are the admissions requirements? What will the coursework be like? What are the potential career paths for MS/MBA Biotech grads?
Clear Admit’s Graham Richmond sat down with the Director of Joint Degree Programs, Jill Hubbell Fadule, and the Director of the HBS Healthcare Initiative, Cara Sterling, to find out the answers to these questions and more.

Our featured guests Jill and Cara both bring a rich history with Harvard and related industries. While currently the Director of Joint Degree Programs and a Senior Member of the MBA Admissions Board, Jill began her journey with HBS by earning her MBA there. After graduation, she worked in the Boston office of Bain and Co. as a consultant. Ultimately, she was drawn back to her alma mater and served in several capacities, including Managing Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, for nearly a decade. Jill then joined Merrill Lynch, where she served as Vice President of Wealth Management Services. In 2012, she returned to HBS and took on her current roles. As founding director of the HBS Healthcare Initiative, Cara is responsible for creating and overseeing all aspects of the Healthcare Initiative, including student programming, alumni outreach, and health care faculty support. She holds MBA and MPH degrees from the University of California, Berkeley, and an AB from Washington University in St. Louis. Cara has over 20 years of experience in the health care industry with payor, provider, and life sciences organizations.
In this episode, Jill and Cara talk about the new MS/MBA joint degree program at Harvard, who should seek out this opportunity, the admissions process, the structure of the program and more! Thank you to Jill and Cara for joining us and we hope our listeners enjoy hearing about the new MS/MBA joint degree at Harvard.

Is this program up your alley? Harvard is currently seeking an inaugural cohort to matriculate in August of 2020, and those interested can apply in either Round 1 (September 4) or Round 2 (January 6).
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This episode was hosted by Graham Richmond and produced by Contributing Editor Jonathan Pfeffer. Thanks to all of you who’ve been joining us! One more time: Ranking us in iTunes can help others find us, too, and subscribing means you’ll never miss a podcast.