Courtney Weldon, Kellogg MBA/McCormick MS Class of 2021

Age: 29
Hometown: Gary, IN
Undergraduate Institution and Major: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) – Chemical Engineering
Pre-MBA Work Experience (years, industry): Worked in various aspects of materials manufacturing and R&D for Michelin North America for almost 7 years.
Why business school? Why now?
I have always had a passion for learning. When opportunities to learn, develop myself, and impact my company seemed to dwindle as my experience became more specialized, I knew it was time for a change. I wanted to pursue my MBA two years ago, but the lack of security in the economy swayed me to put my business school plans on hold.
However, the desire to learn and grow with the amazing people I met as a Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT) MBA Prep Fellow never went away. Two years later, I decided to take a leap of faith and pick right up where I left off.
Why Kellogg? What factors figured most prominently into your decision of where to attend?
Kellogg has been my #1 choice throughout my whole journey to business school for many reasons, including:
- At my very core, I am an engineer and extremely technical person. Pursuing my MBA would position me as a bridge between business and technical sectors, the way I have not been able to be in the past. I wanted an opportunity to obtain a dual degree that would help me find the intersectionality between my love for innovation strategy and the business decisions that make it possible. I found this one-of-a-kind, perfectly curated opportunity through Kellogg’s MMM Program.
- Kellogg’s students, staff, and alumni were with whom I found the greatest connection during my research into MBA programs.
- I am from the Chicago area, but I have never lived there as an adult. Having the opportunity to be closer to my family for the first time in over a decade was the icing on the cake. Chicago is my favorite city. There’s no place like home!
What do you think is your most valuable or differentiating contribution to the Class of 2021?
I am an engineer with an old-school, traditional manufacturing background. I have worked up to an expert level in a unique type of consumer product. I have a different kind of technical experience that will provide a lens through which my classmates can see the issues of the people on the ground floor, as well as how to find the smallest details that make the biggest impacts.
Fun fact that didn’t get included on your application?
I am a bit of a pizza snob (Chicago has the best!). I look forward to pizza critiques on my many trips into town with my classmates.
Post-MBA career interests?
Post-MBA, I hope to join a strategy management consulting firm where I can learn about growth strategies in a host of industries and companies. My hope is to one day take this knowledge and create the best environment for creatives to bring the world’s most warranted and desired products to market.
Advice to current prospective applicants:
–One thing you would absolutely do again as part of your application process?
I would do the Management Leadership for Tomorrow MBA Prep program (or any visiting programs that schools may host) all over again. Getting to know a school’s faculty, staff and current students is so much more important than just the reputation. Make sure you are clear about your goals/desires for the experience and apply to programs that will give you that experience.
–One thing you would change or do differently?
I would have stayed with my original plan to be a part of the 2019 class. You know when something feels right. Be sure to take the appropriate steps to calculate risks, but security is just a concept in today’s world.
–Part you would have skipped if you could—and what helped you get through it?
The GMAT of course! The Magoosh detailed reports were a saving grace for GMAT prep. It’s also important to take the test when your life commitments/stress is at a low for the year. My best score recipe: 4 months of intense Magoosh and OG GMAT prep along with taking the test in my hometown on holiday vacation 2 days before Christmas.
What is your initial impression of Kellogg’s students/culture/community?
I picked a place that truly cares about everyone’s success. I had a pretty mentally/emotionally exhausting moving experience this summer, and my MMM classmates did not hesitate to reach out and offer a helping hand in the situation. We were only a few weeks into the program at the time.
Kellogg Cares Day and the opportunities Kellogg offers to serve a community that is so special to me contributed to my first impression of Kellogg, and ultimately helped me make the choice to attend. I am excited to partake in activities with the student body to help the community – I can only imagine the impact we will be able to make.
One thing you have learned about Kellogg that has surprised you?
Kellogg (and business school in general) has a reputation of being full of extroverts. I have been surprised to find more people than I ever expected that, like myself, have to take a break from the excitement from time to time. I am not as uncomfortable with the need to stretch myself socially as I was prior to arriving at Kellogg. There is a unique Kellogg experience for everyone.
Thing you are most anxious about in your first year?
I was most anxious about being a student and not having an income for so long. But since MMM students start earlier in the summer, I’ve realized most of my anxiety comes from the fear of missing out! There’s always something to do or somewhere else I could be.
Thing you are most excited about in your first year?
Meeting so many new people, perspectives, talents, and hobbies in one space! There are more than 65 MMM and JVs planning several fall trips to experience a few classmates’ family traditions this year (including a wedding in India!) – should be fun!