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NYU MBA Class Profile: Academic Achievement Highs for the Stern Class of 2022

Image for NYU MBA Class Profile: Academic Achievement Highs for the Stern Class of 2022

See the NYU Stern MBA Class of 2023 here.

We continue our round-up of the characteristics and highlights of new MBA classes, this time at the NYU Stern School of Business. NYU’s MBA class profile for Stern students includes some record-breaking academic highlights for the school, despite the entering class being around 10 percent smaller than usual.

Here are some key elements of the MBA Class of 2022 profile:

NYU MBA Class Profile: Undergraduate Background

Average Undergraduate GPA 3.6
Percent majoring in arts, humanities, social sciences 34%
Percent majoring in science, technology, engineering, and math 23%
Percent majoring in business 29%

NYU Stern Class of 2022 GMAT Statistics

Average GMAT Score 723
GMAT Score Range 640 – 780

NYU Stern Class of 2022 Student Characteristics

Women 43%
Countries Represented (by citizenship) 30
International Students 32%
Average Work Experience 5.2 Years

Safety Concerns Lead to a Smaller Student Body

In response to uncertainty over both the pandemic and ICE policies, Stern offered a year-long deferment to international students in an effort to ensure attending the school was a viable option. Out of 1,059 admits, 317 decided to enroll for fall 2020. Although the class size is smaller, applications to the program increased by 4 percent over last year.

“Since its founding, NYU has opened its doors to immigrants, and this remains an essential part of our DNA,” said Raghu Sundaram, Dean of NYU Stern. International students, including foreign nationals, dual citizens, and U.S. permanent residents, make up 32 percent of the class and represent 30 countries.

Women Return to Record High and More on Minority Representation

Women comprise 43% of the class, representing a six percent increase from last year and tying the previous record for women enrollees.

Thirty-two percent of the class are minorities, which includes both U.S. citizens and permanent residents who identify as Black, Asian, Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, Hispanic, and Native American and Alaskan Natives. Twelve percent of the class are considered underrepresented minorities, categorized as US citizens and permanent residents who are Black, Hispanic, and Native American. This is an increase of 3 percent over last year.

New Academic Heights and Professional Achievement

This year’s incoming class boasts the highest average GMAT and GPA scores in the school’s history. The average GMAT rose to 723 and the average GPA is 3.6, up from 3.52 last year. Business degrees make up 29 percent of the class, while 23 percent hold engineering, math, and science degrees, and 20 percent have a social science degree, a grouping that represents a well-rounded undergraduate experience without a dominant major.

The financial services industry is where 27 percent of the student body has earned their professional experience, almost three times the next largest professional group, which is consultants, making up 10 percent of the class.

“Given the rapidly changing conditions the world has faced this year, we’re especially thrilled to bring in one of the strongest, most diverse classes on record at Stern,” said Rabia Ahmed, Executive Director of MBA Admissions, in a statement. According to Ahmed, one of the ways the school intends to continue the diversifying trend seen in their student demographics is by adding three new standardized test options, the LSAT, MCAT, and DAT, to the existing GMAT and GRE in the 2021-2022 admission cycle.

Christina Griffith
Christina Griffith is a writer and editor based in Philadelphia. She specializes in covering education, science, and history, and has experience in research and interviews, magazine content, and web content writing.