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Real Humans of USC Marshall MBA Class of 2022

Image for Real Humans of USC Marshall MBA Class of 2022

In this edition of Real Humans: MBA Students, we introduce a handful of new members of USC Marshall’s Trojan network. Based in Southern California, USC Marshall was the first AACSB-accredited business school of the area and boasts deep connections to Los Angeles and the greater SoCal regional community.

217 students matriculated for the Class of 2022. They averaged 28 years of age and 5 years of work experience. Nearly a quarter of the new class earned pre-MBA professional work experience in financial services. Technology was the next most popular industry source at 15 percent. Consulting followed at 12 percent. Eleven percent of new students had worked in entertainment/media before starting their Marshall MBA. Seven percent came from healthcare and another five percent had served in the military/government. The rest of the class spread across industries including manufacturing, hospitality and more.

Altogether, the class averaged a score of 707 on the GMAT. Their average undergraduate GPA was 3.55. A third of the Marshall MBA class earned degrees in business/commerce. Sixteen percent had majored in social sciences during their undergraduate years. Economics and humanities each saw 13 percent of new MBA candidates. Eleven percent of students had studied engineering/computer science and six percent had pursued the sciences. Two percent came with a law background.

USC Marshall typically sees international students fill about a third of the seats in a given class; however, due to COVID-19, only 12 percent of the Class of 2022 are international students. Women comprise 40 percent of the class. Twenty-three percent of domestic students (as percentage of domestic pool) identify as one or more of the following groups: African-American or Black; Hispanic-American or Latinx; American Indian or Alaska Native; or Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. And finally, 44 percent of domestic students (as percentage of domestic pool) identify as one or more of the following groups: Asian-American, African-American or Black; Hispanic-American or Latinx; American Indian or Alaska Native; or Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander.

Now, click through the following pages to meet new members of the USC Marshall MBA Class of 2022, as they share their admissions journeys and why they chose Marshall.

Christina Griffith
Christina Griffith is a writer and editor based in Philadelphia. She specializes in covering education, science, and history, and has experience in research and interviews, magazine content, and web content writing.