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MIT MBA Class Profile: Prioritizing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

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The MIT Sloan School of Management’s profile of their MBA Class of 2022 is a snapshot of the worldwide business community’s skills and experience. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the school chose to increase enrollment in an effort to provide more opportunities in a challenging year for candidates and ended up with a total class size of 484.

Jennifer Barba, Senior Associate Director of Admissions, emphasizes the priority of enrolling a diverse class for MIT Sloan in their ongoing recruiting efforts: “Within our evaluation process, we ask every candidate invited to interview to share how they have contributed toward making a work environment or organization more welcoming, inclusive and diverse, in an effort to learn how all applicants have supported diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI) in their past, and to also send a signal that DEI initiatives are a priority for our community.”

Here are some key elements of the profile:

MIT MBA Class Profile: Undergraduate Background

Average Undergraduate GPA 3.54
Percent majoring in arts, humanities, social sciences 12%
Percent majoring in science, technology, engineering, and math 43%
Percent majoring in business 16%

Sloan Class of 2022 GMAT & GRE Statistics

Median GMAT Score 720
GMAT Score Range (Middle 80%) 680-760
GRE Quant Range (Middle 80%) 156-168
GRE Verbal Average (Middle 80%) 155-167

MIT MBA Class Profile: Student Characteristics

Women 38%
Countries Represented (by citizenship) 51
International Students 33%
Average Work Experience 60 months

Representation of Women, Minorities, and International Students

A third of the class (33 percent) are international students from 51 countries. Thirty-eight percent are women.

In addition to reporting along federal guidelines, MIT Sloan also employs multi-dimensional reporting so that students who identify as more than one race or ethnicity are represented that way in the class. Based on federal reporting, 8 percent of the class are African American, 18 percent are Asian American, 11 percent are Hispanic, and 2 percent are multi-race. Multi-dimensional reporting reveals Indigenous North American, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander representation in the class and increases the representation of Black and Hispanic students by one percent.

Undergraduate and Professional Experience

Thirty-three percent of the class received their undergraduate degrees in engineering. Nineteen percent had majored in economics and 16 percent in business. Another 10 percent had pursued studies in math and science, and 8 percent in social science.

Twenty-two percent of the class worked in consulting before coming to the MBA program. Financial services covers 17 percent of new MBAs background while 15 percent came from the tech industry. Before matriculation, 13 percent had worked in the government and non-profit sectors, and 9 percent in healthcare/pharma/biotech.

Looking Forward

To further adapt to international challenges brought on by the pandemic, MIT Sloan is allowing candidates in the current admissions cycle (2020-2021) to submit applications without admissions testing results and is conducting all interviews remotely.

As part of its ongoing efforts to improve DEI, the school has recently named two Associate Dean’s of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in addition to a staff Director.

Christina Griffith
Christina Griffith is a writer and editor based in Philadelphia. She specializes in covering education, science, and history, and has experience in research and interviews, magazine content, and web content writing.