Ann M. Drake, Kellogg EMBA ’84, donated the largest gift ever from a female graduate of Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. Drake’s record-setting gift establishes the Drake Scholar Network, a formal, global network of women students, faculty and alumnae through the school.

“Kellogg has a long legacy of breaking new ground in the education and professional advancement of women, but there is still much work to be done to address gender-based disparities in the business world,” said Dean Francesca Cornelli in the announcement. “Ann’s gift will help reinforce Kellogg’s standing as the premier global business school that equips high-potential women to become impactful, inclusive leaders.”
In 2001, Kellogg established the Kellogg Center for Executive Women. Kellogg also became the first top-ranked business school to appoint a female dean, Sally Blount ’92, in 2010. They appointed a second permanent female dean, Francesca Cornelli, in 2019. Another recent milestone includes the convening of the inaugural Global Women’s Summit in 2018.
Drake Scholar Network
Now, thanks to the generosity of Drake, Kellogg can strengthen their support of women in business even more. The mission of the Drake Scholar Network includes enhancing educational offerings and intergenerational network building, bolstering faculty thought leaders and continued scholarship. Practically speaking, the gift will fund dozens of student scholarships, five to seven new faculty and two full-time staff additions, a bi-annual women’s summit and a network expected to reach more than 5,000 women.
Drake hails from the logistics and supply chain management field. In 1990, she joined her family enterprise, the former Dry Storage Corporation (DSC). She became CEO in 1994 and grew DSC Logistics into one of the nation’s leading supply chain management companies. By the time of its majority sale to CJ Logistics in 2018, DSC Logistics had pioneered “dynamic supply chain leadership.” This innovative approach to reducing total system costs, improving customer service and facilitating growth earned Drake the Committee of 200’s Entrepreneurial Champion Luminary Award in 2018.
“My experience at Kellogg gave me not only a foundational education to transform my company, but a tight network of women who were crucial sounding boards and partners as I advanced in the logistics industry,” said Drake. “With this gift I hope to make that possible for more women, equipping them to pursue, navigate and sustain careers that drive organizational and societal impact and create lives of personal meaning.”
Read the full announcement here.