We’d like to offer hearty congratulations to all who gained admission to their top choices and encourage you to share which business school you plan to attend in 2022. MBA DecisionWire was designed to let MBA applicants, students and alumni share more information with their peers—specifically about where they decide to attend business school based on where they applied and were accepted.
DecisionWire provides profile and school selection information updates in real time from your peers as they make the all-important decision of where to actually pursue their MBA. Users can filter others’ submissions by the schools applied to, admitted to and enrolled at, as well as by application year.

DecisionWire also invites those who submit to share their GPA and GRE/GMAT scores, as well as any scholarship offers and their intended post-MBA career. A notes section lets people reveal any factors that may have influenced their final decision, such as financial aid, size of student body, location or a given school’s track record for placing graduates in a chosen industry. In essence, each entry will tell an individual’s story—from starting the application process to setting foot on campus.
Still unsure of where to go? No problem. Applicants can choose the “Undecided” status before they have made a decision of where to enroll, effectively enabling them to invite thoughts and advice from the Clear Admit community when they are facing a particularly complex choice.
See what we mean in a few entries:
We hope you’ll enjoy using DecisionWire as much as LiveWire!
A Frequently Asked Questions page provides additional information about the tool, but if you have any additional questions or feedback, please contact [email protected].