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Real Humans of ASU Carey’s MBA Class of 2025

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Mel Collins, ASU Carey MBA Class of 2025

asu carey 2025Age: 32
Hometown: Glastonbury, Connecticut & Boston, MA
Undergraduate Institution and Major: Berklee College of Music, Songwriting
Pre-MBA Work Experience (role, company, years): Learning and Development Associate, Analysis Group, 2 years; Ed-Tech Founder, 3 years; Songwriter, 6 years

Why did you make the decision to attend business school? Why now?
After eight years of work experience as a freelancer and entrepreneur, I had gained a lot of technical and soft skills but wasn’t seeing the return I desired from the amount of effort it required. I attempted to pivot to a more traditional career on my return from London, but continued to feel underemployed and wanted to contribute more than was being asked of me. After considerable research, I realized an MBA was the right degree to help me package my current skills and develop new ones.

Why did you choose the ASU Carey School of Business? What factors figured most prominently into your decision of where to attend?
This was my second cycle applying for MBA programs. I started a new job during my first and decided to pursue it for a couple of years. However, during my second cycle, I applied to 13 schools that felt right for me based on company relationships, class size, concentration, and ranking. Having been accepted to 9, return on investment became the largest consideration in my final decision. ASU Carey had sent students to top companies, offered an intimate class size of around 60 students but had the benefit of an incredibly large alumni network, and included a generous Forté Fellowship.

What do you think is your most valuable or differentiating contribution to the Class of 2025?
I believe I am an embodiment of visible, personal, and neurodiversity: A black presenting, female Hindu, with ADHD, and a varied professional experience from music to entrepreneurship, to corporate. I am a descendant of Pettway slaves on one side and Chinese, Indian, and Trinidadian on the other. The conversation of diversity travels with me wherever I go. I am passionate about connecting individuals across borders both personal and professional and enjoy connecting to people on an authentic level. I believe authenticity is contagious and have noticed that when I ‘put myself out there’, people feel more comfortable to do the same. It really does help foster a better environment.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself that didn’t get included on your application:
I love solo traveling – from dinner alone at a restaurant to music festivals, or new countries. Having the opportunity to explore new places in your own time, meet new people, and challenge yourself and your thoughts is invaluable.

Post-MBA career interests:
I’m pursuing a career in digital transformation to help companies use technologies more efficiently. Prior to MBA, I realized my background has a common theme: creating better experiences for others; whether for a crowd, institutions, students, or employees, I’m passionate about creating and improving systems to benefit owners and users.

Advice for Current Prospective Applicants:
To really be your authentic self at every step of the process; it makes finding the right school, the right people, and the right career, more apparent.

 –What is one thing you would absolutely do again as part of your application process?
Coffee chats. I had over 100 coffee chats with current students, alumni, and professionals before finally deciding on my program and concentration. Coffee chats really helped me to narrow down the direction I wanted to pursue and to get a feel for different MBA programs, companies, and roles.

–What is one thing you would change or do differently?
Had I known, I would have applied to MLT or affinity MBA prep organizations. Having joined MLT-PD, I received and continue to receive incredible support and insight into the MBA process, conferences, and careers.

–What is one part you would have skipped if you could—and what helped you get through it?
This is probably common, but the GRE! However, I loved the process and knew that being able to show quant strength would enhance my application having come from a very non-traditional background.

What is your initial impression of the ASU Carey students/culture/community?
I absolutely love the culture that ASU Carey has built with the candidates they’ve chosen. Fellow students are genuinely interested in not only building their careers, but themselves. I first noticed this at the pre-MBA event, “Countdown at ASU”- I felt connected to each of my classmates and supported by faculty and staff – this has only become more evident now that school has started.

What is one thing you have learned about ASU Carey that has surprised you?
I am constantly in awe of the conversations I’ve had and support I’ve received from both faculty and staff regarding diversity at ASU Carey. I feel safe to be my authentic self and to share thoughts and feelings I have about my experience. What has been most noteworthy is the administration’s ability to act quickly to make changes or increase support.

What is one thing you are most anxious about in your first year?
To be honest, I am not anxious about anything! I’m really excited about the opportunities available at ASU Carey and know that there are resources to support my growth. If I had to choose, it may become time. I have a lot of interests and would like to explore quite a few clubs and classes that may stretch me.

What is one thing you are most excited about in your first year?
I’m most excited about building a relationship with each of my classmates. I love to learn about others’ experiences and to share my own. I believe that’s the absolute best part of being an MBA.

Christina Griffith
Christina Griffith is a writer and editor based in Philadelphia. She specializes in covering education, science, and history, and has experience in research and interviews, magazine content, and web content writing.