In the MBA admissions world, this week holds some of the first application deadlines for candidates looking to apply to business school for the 2019-20 academic year. Completed applications for early action at IESE were due in by Tuesday, Harvard Business School (HBS) Round 1 applications were due yesterday, and the deadline for the new Early Action round at UVA’s Darden School is tomorrow. Applications for the earliest rounds at Oxford’s Saïd Business School and Cambridge’s Judge Business School are also due tomorrow.
Things are officially heating up.
Maybe HBS’s noon Round 1 deadline yesterday passed you by? Maybe you aren’t sure you’re ready to hit submit tomorrow for Saïd or Judge? How do you decide when to apply in Round 1 and when you’d be better off taking a little more time and submitting an even stronger application in Round 2?

If you’re not sure—you’re not alone! Fortunately, the latest episode in the Clear Admit MBA Admissions Podcast tackles this exact question.
In this most recent podcast, Clear Admit Co-Founder Graham Richmond offers some great tips and guidance for applicants wrestling with whether to target Round 1 or Round 2 for their top-choice schools. Some of his answers might surprise you.
Not to give too much away, let me just say that all is not lost if you didn’t get your HBS application in yesterday. In fact, one strategy Richmond suggests is to apply to a couple of schools in Round 1 but save others—including, perhaps, your top choice school—until Round 2, when you will have undoubtedly gotten better at applying. Because as with everything else, there is a learning curve to applying to business school, which means that the very first application you submit is not always your very strongest.
To hear more of Richmond’s valuable advice, you’ll have to listen to the podcast for yourself. It’s below, as well as on iTunes.

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We have even more Admissions Director Q&As lined up in the coming weeks, as well as new episodes on application strategy featuring members of the Clear Admit team, And later this fall, we’re excited to invite some more student voices to join us as well. If you have an idea for a future podcast, feel free to run it by us! Please send your pitch to [email protected].
Like the episodes that preceded it, this episode was hosted by Editor-in-Chief Jeanette Brown and produced by Contributing Editor Jonathan Pfeffer. Thanks to all of you who’ve been joining us! One more time: Ranking us in iTunes can help others find us, too, and subscribing means you’ll never miss a podcast.