The mountain of Round 2 deadlines is just around the corner, and lucky MBA applicants are also trying to choose a business school based on good news from Round 1. Clear Admit’s admissions experts, Graham Richmond and Alex Brown, step up in this episode of Wire Taps to provide applicants and accepted candidates with tips on how to make the most of MBA admissions.
They’ve pulled profiles from MBA ApplyWire and MBA DecisionWire to offer strategic advice to business school hopefuls. This week, Graham and Alex review an entry from an educator turned product manager. They also advise an applicant looking for a career in social impact and another accepted candidate trying to decide where to attend.
If you want a chance to be featured on the podcast, be sure to post to MBA ApplyWire or MBA DecisionWire. Happy listening!
This podcast episode is brought to you by Bain & Company.
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This episode was hosted by Graham Richmond and Alex Brown, and produced by Contributing Editor Jonathan Pfeffer. Thanks to all of you who’ve been joining us! One more time: Ranking us in iTunes can help others find us, too, and subscribing means you’ll never miss a podcast.