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From Tuck to Wall Street: Meet 3 Recent Tuck MBAs in New York’s Finance Scene

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Franco Coria, Tuck MBA Class of 2021

Age: 36
Hometown: Olavarria, Bs As (Argentina)
Undergraduate Institution and Major: Industrial Engineer (UNICEN)
Pre-MBA Work Experience (role, company, years): Tenaris, Technical Sales Engineer/Sales Senior Manager, 9 years
Post-MBA Role: Bank of America, Investment Banking Associate

Why did you pursue an MBA? 
At a professional level, I wanted to complete my profile with skills I didn’t have and was also looking for new challenges in industries/roles that would push me out of my comfort zone, to find new experiences and learn from them.

On a personal level, having done undergrad in my hometown in Argentina, I’ve always wanted to experience the academic world in a world-class institution in the US. I knew an MBA would be a great way to surround myself with smart and accomplished people and to expose myself to a rigorous academic program to push my own limits. I wanted to expose myself to the most diverse, vibrant, and dynamic community I could find. I wanted to be with people from very different backgrounds and experiences and open my mind to new ways of thinking and viewing things.

Why did you choose Dartmouth Tuck for your MBA? What factors figured most prominently into your decision?
When evaluating different programs, I was willing to compromise on some things. But there were 2 things I was not flexible with. First, I wanted to have this experience in a place that would allow me to be myself. I believe in people, honesty, deep connections, and kindness, and was not willing to join a program in which those values were not a part of their core. Second, I wanted this experience to be for both me and my partner, Sol. While she did not apply to the program, we both view this as an opportunity to learn, meet new people, and become part of a community for life. The MBA had to be as welcoming for me as for my partner.

When we both visited Tuck during ASW, we quickly realized it was a no-brainer!

Why have you pursued a career in finance?
Many reasons. But the two most important ones were:

1. I wanted a role in Financial Services. Before Tuck, I worked for almost a decade and was exposed to many different areas, from product development and operations, through Supply Chain and Logistics, to Sales. The only area I never worked on was Finances/Investments. I’ve always been attracted to the sector, so dynamic and transformational, I wanted to experience it and acquire those skills.

2. I was looking for a challenge. A career pivot. Something different from everything I’ve done before, that would push me mentally (and physically!) as much as possible.

Let’s talk about living in New York after Tuck. What was that experience like?
Amazing. I am from a small town, and I was a bit worried about coming to the “big city.” But it has exceeded my expectations. We are having a blast, enjoying the city, with a lot of Tuck friends living close by and infinite opportunities. Also, my wife is an artist, and she’s enjoying New York and its art, taking classes, and building her own journey in the best place for it!

Did you have the time and space to immerse yourself in the MBA experience and focus on your education before heading to the big city? Is there value in doing that?
I am part of the “COVID class,” so while I had time and space to do it, it was limited. The first 3-4 months were all about surviving and getting a job, and after that, we only had 1 month before COVID-19 hit. Having said that, and while I missed a lot of the experiences, I enjoyed many others, such as getting closer to people and spending more time in the Upper Valley (including the summer, which was amazing!). There is tremendous value in enjoying every moment of the MBA before going back to work. There will be plenty of time for that after Tuck!

What advice do you have for other prospective MBAs considering MBA programs and entering the finance space?
Do your diligence on the different career paths in the sector, and cross-check that with what the MBA program offers in terms of recruiting and opportunities. Some opportunities are standardized on-campus processes, while others are more networking-based, one-off, and/or later-on. Mapping early on will help you decide what’s the best immediate step for your career, and also how to plan and be efficient with your recruiting efforts. Tuck is super strong in all finance-related roles, which makes it harder to decide what to recruit for, but the more focused you are, the better the process will be. I decided I was going to do Investment Banking, and I went all in on that very early on, and it paid off.

Anything else you’d like to add?
Trust the process and enjoy it. Tuck has amazing professors who are always willing to help (with concepts, practice, mock interviews, etc.), it has the best career advisors (well-known and super connected across the Street), and it has a one-of-a-kind network that you can and should tap into early on. If you leverage all those resources, work hard, and follow the process, no matter whether you’re an international student or don’t have a financial background, chances are that you will find the job you want and will be set up for success. And it goes without saying, but always feel free to reach out to alumni in the roles you’re recruiting for…we love hearing from Tuckies 😊

Christina Griffith
Christina Griffith is a writer and editor based in Philadelphia. She specializes in covering education, science, and history, and has experience in research and interviews, magazine content, and web content writing.