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MBA Wire Taps 378—Tech PM to MBA. Climate finance to MBA.

Image for MBA Wire Taps 378—Tech PM to MBA. Climate finance to MBA.

Weekly Roundup for Clear Admit’s MBA Podcast

In this week’s MBA Admissions podcast Graham began by discussing our September MBA admissions event series; several top MBA programs are scheduled to participate. Signups are here:

We then did something very different. Graham and Alex had a deep conversation about their backgrounds, and their work history together, which has extended beyond 20 years. We wanted to highlight our MBA admissions experience, so listeners can get a better sense for who is providing the weekly commentary on MBA admissions.

We covered our time together at UPenn / Wharton, where we launched several applicant-facing web initiatives that were industry firsts at the time. These included Wharton’s student2student applicant discussion forum, a student blogging initiative, as well as an online interview scheduler. We then discussed the formation of Clear Admit, and its evolution, as it pivoted from being a leading applicant consulting firm to what it is today – an online community where candidates can get unfiltered and free guidance so they can present their best applications.

It has been a long journey together, but a very enjoyable journey. We hope that comes across during our Wire Taps weekly podcast show.

For this week, for the candidate profile review portion of the show, Alex selected two ApplyWire entries.

Two MBA Admissions Candidates Reviewed.

This week’s first MBA admissions candidate has a super GMAT score of 750 but has a more modest undergraduate GPA of 2.99. They also have a graduate degree, and both degrees are in engineering. Their work experience appears to be very decent, in tech product management. Their post MBA goals are to pursue consulting in the short term, and then return to the tech industry.

This week’s second MBA candidate also has a super GMAT score (760), but also has a poor undergraduate record. They were compromised by their mental health. They completed an MBA directly after their undergraduate degree, to help compensate. They work in climate finance, and ultimately want to return to this field after a stint in consulting.

Tech PM to MBA

MBA applicant with a super GMAT, working in tech product management.

Climate finance to MBA

MBA candidate who has worked in climate finance, and seeking to return after a stint in consulting.

This episode of Wire Taps is brought to you by Emory Goizueta.

For more than 100 years, Emory University’s Goizueta Business School has been a training ground for principled leaders and a laboratory for powerful insights. Whether you’re looking to accelerate your career or make a career pivot, Emory’s One-Year and Two-Year Full-time MBA programs prepare you for a lifetime of career confidence. Learn more about Emory’s top-20 MBA with top-5 career outcomes offering world-class academics and small-by-design classes delivered in a dynamic, global city. Learn more.

Clear Admit MBA Admissions Podcast
Clear Admit MBA Admissions Podcast
MBA Wire Taps 378—Tech PM to MBA. Climate finance to MBA.

Be sure to post to MBA ApplyWire, MBA DecisionWire or MBA RankingsWire if you’d like Graham and Alex to offer admissions advice.

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It’s been wonderful seeing the audience for our podcast series continue to grow! Please, if you have enjoyed what you’ve heard, could you rate and review the Clear Admit MBA Admissions Podcast wherever you listen? This is the best way to help more listeners find us. Also, to ensure that you never miss an episode, please subscribe to the podcast.

This episode was hosted by Graham Richmond and Alex Brown, and produced by Dennis Crowley. Thanks to all of you who’ve been joining us!

Alex Brown
Alex is a co host for Clear Admit's Wire Taps podcast. He has spent 30 years in the MBA admissions industry, and authored the book: Becoming a Clear Admit: The Definitive Guide to MBA Admissions