Last week we got to know Sue Oldham, executive director of recruiting and admissions at Rice University’s Jones School of Business (Rice Business), while she was wearing her admissions director hat. This week, we’re sharing a bit more of her personal side as part of our continuing Real Humans of MBA Admissions series.
Among other things, she’s a trained classical pianist and dog lover—but that’s not all. Read on to learn more, including how to stay in her good graces if you’re ever a guest in her home. Our thanks to Oldham for taking part!
Real Humans of MBA Admissions: Sue Oldham of Rice University’s Jones School of Business
Coffee or tea? Coffee
Beach or mountains? Beach
Morning person or night owl? Both
Pet peeve? So, I am totally fine with people who take their shoes off when they come over to my house. But if you remove your shoes, please do not think it’s an invitation to sit on my sofa and dig your feet down into my sofa cushions. I have to sit on that after you leave. That is really shocking to me when people do that.
Guilty pleasure? Fried chicken and mashed potatoes
Favorite virtue in others? Empathy
Worst habit? Wearing socks all the time. I just like the feeling of a great athletic sock. I wear these Nike socks, I sleep with them on, if I could shower with socks on I would. I am a socks person. I get socks for Christmas, my birthday, you name it.
Happy place? Sunset Beach, NC

That is not showing my school spirit. That is JJ WATT, #99 of the Houston Texans. It’s our professional football team. JJ Watt is probably the most amazing thing going-although he is out for the season recovering from back surgery.
Comfort food? Fried chicken and mashed potatoes
Go-to cocktail? Tito’s vodka and those fizzy iced drinks
Proudest moment? I was a classical concert pianist in my prior life, so I think I’d have to say that.
Biggest regret? When I was growing up, we got a dog, a German Shepherd. I was young, and I didn’t know how to raise a dog. My parents clearly did not know how to raise a dog. His name was Johnny, and that poor guy just drew the wrong card when he ended up at our house. Now I do everything for dogs. Most people now would say that my dog is spoiled rotten.
One thing you would change about how you were raised? Nothing comes to mind. Okay, maybe I would have been nicer to my younger sister.
Superpower you wish you had? Like in Lord of the Rings, to be invisible with the ring.
Favorite fictional hero/heroine? I am having a little trouble coming up with a fictional hero or heroine, but my favorite real hero without a doubt is Oskar Schindler. What he did, everything he risked, and he wasn’t gaining a thing from it…
*Oldham pictured above with her family.