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Harvard Business School R1 Interview Invites Poised to Go Out

Image for Harvard Business School R1 Interview Invites Poised to Go Out

As some of you are no doubt only too aware, Harvard Business School (HBS) is slated to begin issuing invitations to interview to Round 1 applicants within the hour. Chad Losee, HBS managing director of admissions and financial aid, told applicants in a recent post to his Direct from the Director’s Blog that interview invites will go out in two batches, the first today, October 2nd, and the second Thursday, October 5th.

“We do it in two batches to spread out the traffic on the interview sign-up pages,” he wrote. Today, some applicants will receive a message inviting them to interview while the remainder will hear nothing. On Thursday, applicants will hear one of three things: that they have been invited to interview, that they have been “released” and will not move forward in the process, or that the HBS team would like to “further consider” their application in Round 2.

Losee also shared that interviews will be conducted between mid-October and mid-November. Students can sign up to interview in one of several global locations, on campus, or via Skype. Where you choose to interview will not impact your admissions outcome, he stressed.

So where’s the first place to get details about who’s been invited to interview? Join the HBS chat room and commiserate with your fellow applicants. MBA LiveWire. Clear Admit’s applicant tool provides real-time updates about interview invitations as soon as they roll out, submitted by applicants themselves. Share your news, learn the news of others, or just commiserate together as you wait.

For those who want to gear up and prepare ahead of time, the Clear Admit HBS Interview Guide offers vital, up-to-date interview preparation intel, including questions historically asked by the interviewers, strategic advice on approaching the post-interview email exercise, and more. And then there’s the Interview Archive, filled with thousands of first-person accounts from applicants who have interviewed at HBS in the past.

As always, we wish the best of luck to all HBS applicants!

Clear Admit Resources
As you wait to learn your interview fate, we encourage you to consider all of Clear Admit’s HBS offerings:

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