MIT Sloan School of Management is sending the fifth and final batch of Round 1 interview invitations out today, and we know that many of you are anxiously awaiting word. A quick reminder that we do have a Clear Admit’s MIT Sloan Round 1 Chat Room set up where you can bide the time and keep each other’s spirits up!
A look back at LiveWire reveals that invites did indeed begin rolling out on October 5th, though only a trickle were reported here. The following week, on October 12th, there was a slight uptick in reports, but then in the following two weeks, on October 19th and 26th, the floodgates seemed to open with significantly more reports of invites than in the earlier weeks. We’ll see what today holds…. As usual, LiveWire is your go-to resource—letting you know when others are receiving word mere seconds after they themselves hear.
As we wait for the remaining interview invitations to trickle—or flood—out, as the case may be, here’s a little recap of what MIT Sloan Director of Admissions Dawna Levenson told applicants to expect when invites first began rolling out early last month.

“An interview is an important next step in our admissions process, and we meet with everyone who is admitted,” Levenson wrote to her “From the Desk of the Admissions Director” blog. “The goal of the interview is to personally get to know you better and to hear more about your story and background.”
Her post indicated that today’s interview invites will go out by 2 p.m., just as they were scheduled to on the previous four Thursdays. Parenthetically she added, “By end of day, all Round 1 applicants will receive either an interview invitation or final decision.”
Levenson noted that her team expects to interview between 20 and 25 percent of the Round 1 applicant pool and that interviews will be conducted in approximately 15 cities around the world as well as on campus. “The location of the interview will not be a decision factor, but for those who can make it to campus, we host special programming for interviewees, including lunch with current students and a class visit,” she wrote. Any candidate who is invited to interview has the option to do so on campus, she added.
According to Levenson, invitations are sent based on interviewers’ travel schedules—not in any preferential order. Those interviewers are all members of the MIT Sloan Admissions Committee—no alumni or current students take part in the evaluation process.
“This is not a stress interview, so don’t panic!” Levenson counseled. “The interviews are conversational and are meant for us to get to know you on a deeper, more personal level.”
As always, those of us at Clear Admit wish all applicants awaiting word good luck!
Clear Admit Resources
As you wait to learn your interview fate, we encourage you to consider all of Clear Admit’s MIT Sloan offerings:
- MIT Sloan profile on the Clear Admit website: up-to-date advice and admissions information
- Clear Admit MIT Sloan Interview Guide: everything you need to know about MIT Sloan’s Behavioral Event Interview
- MBA LiveWire: admissions updates submitted in real time by applicants to HBS
- MBA DecisionWire: school enrollment decisions in real time