James Couch III, Fuqua MBA Class of 2019

Age: 28
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Undergraduate Institution and Major: Howard University, finance
Pre-MBA Work Experience: 5 years in healthcare/pharmaceuticals for Eli Lilly
Why business school? Why now? I chose to get my MBA because I wanted to broaden my business experience, expand my leadership foundation, enhance my strengths and improve my development areas. I saw business school as an opportunity for me to develop both personally and professionally in a risk-free classroom environment where I could contribute and further develop my ability to work in teams while leveraging the knowledge and experiences of other students and faculty. I also knew business school would give me two years to truly reflect, internalize, and understand my leadership style while receiving formal leadership training from world-renowned professors.
Now is the optimal point in my career that I can benefit from an MBA both personally and professionally. Professionally, I had a wealth of experiences and could contribute to the classroom experience. From a personal perspective, I’m recently married and look to start a family soon. While having a family does not hinder the business school experience, I personally wanted to focus and fully immerse myself in the program before starting a family.
Why Fuqua? What factors figured most prominently into your decision of where to attend? The determining factor for me was definitely the people. The Team Fuqua culture resonated from the very beginning of the application process. Whether it was alumni in the office or first-years with similar career interests, everyone was open and willing to share their Fuqua experience and also had a genuine interest in getting to know me.
Fuqua was also a great fit for me because of the team-oriented environment. I find that I work best in environments where people work together to achieve a common goal and everyone is able to showcase their strengths for the good of the team. The moment I accepted, the support increased ten-fold, and I was quickly embraced by several groups and organizations within the Fuqua community to ensure I had a smooth transition. The sense of family was so strong at the school, and it truly felt like home the moment I stepped on campus.
In addition to Team Fuqua, I was also interested in the Health Sector Management (HSM) program. I knew I wanted to continue my career in healthcare, and the HSM program would give me the tools necessary to be a successful leader in a healthcare organization. Not only will the program allow me to increase my healthcare knowledge, but it will also provide me the opportunity to become certified in health sector management.
What do you think is your most valuable or differentiating contribution to the Class of 2019? My most valuable contribution was my one-on-one interactions with prospective students and current students interested in healthcare. Whether it was preparing my fellow classmates with interview and case study practice sessions or phone calls with prospective students looking to join HSM or pivot into the healthcare industry, I’ve been able to provide insight into the industry career opportunities and utilize my passion and personal connection to healthcare to assist my peers in making career decisions.
Fun fact that didn’t get included on your application? Baseball was my first love, and I’ve always been passionate about making the sport available to everyone. During undergrad, I co-founded the club baseball team at Howard University that had an active role in the Washington, DC, community. The team continues to play competitively and is looking to be reinstated as a Division 1 team one day!
Post-MBA career interests? Post-MBA, I’d like to continue my career within the healthcare industry. I spent most of my career supporting research and development of pharmaceuticals, and I hope to explore commercial opportunities that are closer to the end patient post-graduation. My father’s illness when I was in high school influenced me to pursue a career in healthcare, and he continues to serve as my motivation to work for an organization that helps patients like him live longer and healthier lives.

Advice to current prospective applicants:
—One thing you would absolutely do again as part of your application process? One of my favorite parts of the application process was the process itself! Although I spent what felt like an eternity reiterating essays and prepping for (and stressing out about) the GMAT, I used the time to self-reflect and truly understand what I wanted out of the MBA experience. This was one of the few times in my life where I was encouraged to be selfish and focus on personal development. I suggest taking time to document your personal qualities (strengths, weakness, passions, etc.) and your professional experiences (accomplishments, failures, etc.) and share them with your network. If taken seriously, the application process will serve as a great opportunity to reflect and develop your “why.”
—One thing you would change or do differently? One thing I would have done differently is visit more campuses during the recruiting process. There’s only so much you can learn about a school online or speaking on the phone with a current student or faculty member. In order to truly make an informed decision, you need to physically experience the school environment and interact with the students and staff. Although I did not visit as many campuses as I could have, I believe I made the best decision because I attended every Fuqua event I possibly could in order to meet my future classmates, alumni, and staff, and ensure I got the full experience.
–Part you would have skipped if you could—and what helped you get through it? I think I speak for every business student when I say I would have skipped the GMAT! Although it was a challenging experience, I was successful because of the strong support system I had throughout the process. My family, friends, mentors, and even current students were all instrumental in my success.
Greatest highlight so far at Fuqua? One of my main goals in business school was to learn and immerse myself in the cultures of my international classmates. One of my greatest highlights was attending my first Chinese hot pot dinner hosted by a few of my classmates. This experience pushed me to go outside of my comfort zone and interact with a diverse group of individuals. Because many of the students that attended the dinner were from diverse backgrounds, it encouraged everyone to share their unique cultures and experiences throughout the event and we formed a strong bond early on. Not to mention, the food was amazing!
One thing about Fuqua that you didn’t expect before arriving? One thing I didn’t expect was the extent to which Fuqua was involved in the community. As an applicant, you hear about all business schools serving as active members in their local communities through volunteering and community development, but there are very few community initiatives in Durham that Fuqua or the broader Duke community doesn’t have a hand in. I’m especially passionate about investing in minority inner-city youth, and I’ve had the opportunity to participate in everything from Habitat for Humanity to serving on the board of a local non-profit that works to reduce the dropout rate in inner-city schools. The opportunities are endless, and I can’t wait to volunteer for new initiatives this spring!
Thing you are most anxious about in your first year? I’m most anxious about starting my summer internship! We spend the majority of our first two fall terms putting all of our effort into recruiting, and the summer is our first chance to showcase our talents and everything we’ve learned during our first year in business school. I’m anxious, but also excited and ready for the challenge!
Thing you are most excited about in your first year? I’m most excited about my upcoming travel to Asia. I’ve never been to Asia before, and through Fuqua I have the opportunity to travel to Asia twice! I plan to travel with native Japanese and Thai students during the annual Japan Trek (Japan and Thailand) and study in China for Fuqua’s GATE program. I can’t wait to experience all the local food, entertainment, and culture!