This week’s episode kicks off with an update on admissions decisions and all the latest MBA LiveWire activity. This includes Round 1 admits being released early for London Business School. Alex and Graham then moved into a quick conversation about top law schools leaving the U.S. News rankings, and whether that will happen with the MBA rankings; your hosts are not convinced. Graham highlighted the Real Humans pieces recently published for IESE and for Georgetown McDonough, and then ran down the latest employment reports for MIT / Sloan and McDonough. Alex points out that there were no real surprises in the numbers, with both schools reporting strong average salaries.
As usual, Alex chose three candidates for profile reviews, taken from recent ApplyWire entries:
First up, Alex selected an entrepreneur who set up and is running an online accounting business, which looks to be doing very well. Their numbers are solid, and they have a masters degree, but Alex and Graham are a little concerned as to whether or not their 10 years of experience raises fit issues with the programs they are targeting. With that said, your hosts move into a discussion as to how this candidate might mitigate some of those concerns. This week’s second candidate is enlisted in the navy, and has completed an online undergraduate degree. Alex discussed the implications of that; their GPA is at 3.9, and it’s been an interesting, less traditional pathway to the MBA for sure. The GRE of 324 is decent, and they are targeting next season – which is a good thing, since your hosts would like to hear more about this candidate’s post MBA goals, specifically in the longer term. This week’s final candidate works at an MBB consulting firm and is being sponsored for their MBA. They are from Canada, and it looks like the only real concern is the slightly lower GMAT of 690. They have taken the test three times, should they try for a fourth, or should they widen their target school list?
Accounting entrepreneur
Online degree, enlisted candidate
MBB-sponsored, is GMAT good enough?
Happy listening!

Be sure to post to MBA ApplyWire, MBA DecisionWire or MBA RankingsWire if you’d like Graham and Alex to offer admissions advice.
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This episode was hosted by Graham Richmond and Alex Brown, and produced and engineered by Dennis Crowley. Thanks to all of you who’ve been joining us!