This episode kicks off with a discussion of all of the interview invites popping up on MBA LiveWire (and a focus on MIT / Sloan). While all of the big ‘single release interview invitation’ schools have now passed, programs that follow more of a rolling invite process will still be releasing a few invites in the week or two ahead. In other news, Graham highlighted a recently released podcast episode which focused on GMAC’s new Business Fundamentals program. This program helps candidates prepare for their MBA experience, much like MBA Math and HBS CORe. Graham also highlighted Clear Admit’s recently re-published interview tip focused on the seven hardest MBA interview questions. Your hosts then weighed in on the employment report from INSEAD. Like LBS, the median salary falls a little below their peer programs in the U.S., but this is largely a function of the geographies into which these programs are placing candidates. Alex points out that INSEAD is strong for Consulting, as reflected in the fact that 53% of their most recent graduating classes selected that industry. Alex and Graham then shifted the conversation to programs that are showing a good degree of agility in this uncertain economy; Michigan / Ross and Texas / McCombs have added fourth round deadlines.
This episode features three candidate profile reviews, sourced from ApplyWire entries:
This week’s first candidate is targeting the late rounds this season, which Alex and Graham think might prove a little challenging for several of the programs they are targeting. The applicant is from Pakistan, has an excellent GRE of 332, but a more modest GPA. It appears that they have very strong and quite interesting work experience. Alex and Graham debated about whether they would have better options if they targeted Round 1 next season. Up next, this week’s second candidate has a career as an architect underway, following a masters in that field. With another strong GRE (329), Alex and Graham really like their experience and their goals (even if those goals may benefit from some further polishing). This applicant also appears to have strong extra curriculars, which further helps them standout. The final candidate this week also appears to have an exceptional profile: 740 GMAT with a 3.66 GPA in Chemical Engineering. Their military career has focused on nuclear engineering. Just so much to like…although Alex and Graham did question their goal to transition to private equity.
Pakistan failed entrepreneur
Architect with sustainability focus
Military candidate with nuclear experience
Happy listening!

Be sure to post to MBA ApplyWire, MBA DecisionWire or MBA RankingsWire if you’d like Graham and Alex to offer admissions advice.
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This episode was hosted by Graham Richmond and Alex Brown, and produced by Dennis Crowley. Thanks to all of you who’ve been joining us!